34. Win-win

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"Let's decide it with a match of chess."

"Decide what?" Jimin was visibly confused.

I walked towards the bed and jumped up on it. "If you won, we will stay here. If I won.. we are going to the pool. Deal?"

Jimin smirked. "Deal."

I placed the chess board on the bed and sat beside it- criss cross. Jimin mirrored my actions and sat on the opposite side.

I took white pieces and he chose black ones.

"Let the game begin, Park Y/n."

End of recap

I moved my pawn forward, aiming at his rook. Fortunately, he didn't seem to notice my strategy- maybe he was too busy carrying out his own. When, instead of protecting his rook he moved his bishop, I screamed out in joy.

"Gotcha!" Followed by my Hawaiian dance while still seated. "Say buh-bye to your rook." I waved and literally threw out his rook off the board.

Surprisingly, he didn't even frown! A little smirk was playing on the corner of his lips. I got a little confused but chose to ignore it. Perhaps, he was just pretending?

Almost immediately he brought his bishop in my realm and muttered 'check'.


I looked at the board and my eyes almost popped out of the sockets. I glanced at my king who was already surrounded by his pieces.

Damnit! I was too focused on anyhow killing his rook that I totally forgot about my king!

I moved my king on the left side, already predicting the future.
Me, him and the bed.
He is gonna wreck me today for sure and that too in the morning!

As expected, he brought his queen right in front of my king.

"Check. And Mate." He grinned in victory and plopped down on the bed with a 'thud'. "This bed. So warm, so cozy." He snuggled in the pillow and looked at me. "Stop sulking and come here." He offered me his hand.

I didn't accept it- ofcourse I was pissed. Though, the game was fair but I couldn't help and feel irritated. I really wanted to go out.

"Fuck you." I mumbled and kept the check board and pieces on the bed side table.

"C'mon. That's unfair!" He whined. I sighed in exasperation. Well, it indeed is unfair. He earned this by winning the game.

I lied down beside him and snuggled closer. He scooped me in his arms and clung onto me like a Koala. "I love it." He inhaled a large puff of my scent and exhaled on my neck, sending shivers throughout my body.

Suddenly, he jolted out of the bed and started moving towards the bathroom. "Let's go."

"Don't tell me you are planning bathroom sex?" I raised one of my eyebrows.

"Oh trust me darling-" he halted in his steps and gave me a cocky look. "I would love to fuck you in that shower with you pressed against that wall." He pointed in the direction but I was way too thrilled at the 'images' he put inside my mind that I couldn't avert my gaze from him.

He smirked because he very well knew the effect he has on me. But instead of throwing anymore nasty comments he changed the topic. "But right now I would like to go to the pool." He passed me a smile and disappeared behind the bathroom wall.

I blinked twice before realising what he actually said. "Are we going to the pool!?" I rushed inside the bathroom. He was in middle of changing his clothes so when I went inside uninvited he got startled. "You pervert woman!" He screamed and tried to cover himself with his bare hands even though there was a towel hanging right beside him.

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