22. Surprises

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"What are you doing to me, Y/n-ah... You make me feel things that I never felt before... Not even with Sara... My heart beats like crazy whenever I hold you in my arms. Only your smile is enough to make my mind go blank..." He looked at me with a serious expression. "Is this... Is this..." He didn't complete his sentence.

"Is this what, Jimin?" I asked, looking directly into his eyes. But he just stared at me and without any warning, he crashed his lips on mine.

Without wasting a second, I kissed him back. His kiss was rough but soft at the same time. He licked, sucked and even bit my lips hard but not enough to draw blood out of them. That one kiss held so many emotions... Like he was trying to say something...

Between the kiss, he hugged my waist and pulled me towards him, causing me to sit on his lap. I broke the kiss and encircled my hands around his neck, staring right into his eyes. He kept his forehead on mine, but our eye contact was still maintained.

"Is this what love feels like...?" He whispered out.

End of Recap~

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After few days (13 October)

I woke up earlier than usual to prepare some surprises for Jimin. Somehow, I managed to get out of Jimin's tight grasp and jumped out of the bed. I kept the new clothes, which I bought for him, on the couch along with a note saying 'Good morning, Jimin-ah. Please wear this today.' and left the room as quietly as possible.

Since the time we all visited Han river, me and Jimin started sleeping together. We never did anything like 'that' but sometimes Jimin would hug me from behind while sleeping or would hide his face in the crook of my neck. Pecking my lips without any reason has become like one of his habits.

If I would laugh, he would peck my lips. If I would just stare at him, he would peck my lips. And now he even stopped asking me to be quiet because... To make me quiet, he would just peck my lips...

My life is going just the way I wanted. Somewhere, I am sure that Jimin has some feelings for me but still, I can't be sure about it until he says that himself.

After I got ready, I ran downstairs to the kitchen and started making everything I planned. I planned to make all the dishes that Jimin likes- Kimchi, Bibimbap, Bulgogi, rice cake, Salad and prepared a banana milkshake as well. After I was done, I rushed to my room and changed into a new outfit that I bought, especially for his birthday.

"Ahjuma." I called for her.

She ran towards me and greeted me with a bow and a smile. "Do you want something, dear?"

"No, Ahjuma. I am fine." I gave her a light bow. "Actually, I have to go somewhere urgently. So, can you please ask Jimin to have breakfast I prepared for him and tell him not to call me, as I will be busy and would not be able to receive his call."

"Sure, dear." She smiled at me. She carries that mother-type aura around her. Whenever I talk to her or be with her, I never feel like my mom is not with me. I admire and love her a lot.

Automatically, a smile appeared on my face. I couldn't resist my sudden urge to hug her, so I hugged her tightly. "Thank you, Ahjuma." I whispered and immediately ran out of the house as I was already late.

I hope everything goes according to the plan...


I woke up when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I whined and covered my face with the blanket, but the person was not ready to stop. He started pulling my blanket...

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