(18+) 27. Unexpected

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Warning: 18+

After two hours of tiring journey, we finally reached the airport. We were already getting late so without wasting any other second, we carried our bags and rushed inside.

"Come Y/n!" Jimin held my hand tightly and started dragging me towards the entrance.

We started running as fast as possible, without paying much attention to our surrounding because of which I accidentally bumped into someone hard, causing the person to fall onto the floor.

"Oh my! I am so sorry!" I immediately ran to the person, ignoring the fact that we were getting late, and helped him to stand up. "I am so sorry! I didn't see you..." I appologised again. That man stood back on his feet and adjusted his spectacles.

"I-it-t's o-o-kk-ay." He stuttered out the sentence and looked everywhere but at me. It seemed as if he was scared and nervous because of something.

It was wierd because by appearance he didn't look like a guy who would be shy and he was muscular as well. And the most wierd thing was, his hand didn't leave the right lower side of his stomach, even though he fell down on his butt and his stomach didn't even touch the ground.

"Y/n, let's go!" I was pulled out from the trail of my thoughts, when Jimin started dragging me towards the entrance again. I decided to ignore all the suspicious thoughts and focused on running fast.


"Urghh... My legs are killing me." I whined because my legs were aching so much.

"Here." Jimin pressed some buttons and adjusted my seat to the more comfortable one.

"Thanks.." I moaned in relief and closed my eyes.

There was hardly any one present near us as we were in the Business Class. Our compartment was absolutely empty. Just one or two hostess would pass from there but that too occasionally. And unfortunately, I was not the only one who noticed it.

Jimin's hand was continuously drawing small circles on my inner thigh. And not only that, his hand was slowly moving in upward direction as well, means near my... Umm... You know... There...

I kept my hand on top of his. "Jimin." I said, a bit breathless because I could already feel heat rising inside me.

"Shh..." He brought his face near my neck and pecked the area just below my ear, gently. "Keep quiet and enjoy." He whispered in his quiet yet demanding tone. He was showing his dominant side and- Oh God I would be lying if I say I didn't like it...

"Jimin someone wou-u-ld- Ahhh!" I wanted to protest, I wanted to stop him but "unfortunately" his hand was already on my womanhood and was caressing it oh so gently but perfectly.

One side of mine was regretting the fact that I wore a short skirt on this trip and the other part- which indeed was bigger- was continuously praising my last minute decision of wearing this skirt.

And as if his hand wasn't enough to provide me pleasure, his lips started sucking on my collarbone aggressively as if he was hungry for ages and was planning to eat my collarbone. "J-Jimin-ah.. som-someone will-... C-come- shit!"

While still caressing my womanhood, now aggressively, and sucking on my collarbone like a hungry monster, he pressed one button which was situated just in front of our seat due to which all the doors which entered the Bussiness Class were shut and a red bulb, just like in operation theatres, was lit. There was also a sign of 'Do not Disturb' just below that bulb.

"H-h-how..? Is- is t-that e-even a-ll-owedd-!?" I stuttered.

"The door will automatically open after half an hour, now shut up!" He said in a harsh tone, his lips still on my collarbone.

Unpredictable || pjm [JIMIN] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now