18. I miss you

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"Where are you Y/n...?" He asked himself and suddenly he heard an announcement. ''The firecracker show is gonna start in just few minutes.'' He smiled a little and without wasting a single second, he ran away.

On the other hand Y/n was standing near the sea, waiting for the fire cracker show to start. She was missing Jimin so much as she wanted to see the show with him only...

Finally, the show started. At first, there were only a few lightings in the sky but after a few minutes the show finally started. And coincidentally, the moment the first cracker burst she heard someone say, "Found you." And... That voice was hella familiar.

End of Recap


She turned around only to see that one face, she was longing for. "Jimin..." She whispered. Unconsciously, tears started falling down her eyes... Tears of joy...

Without wasting a single second, Jimin hugged her tightly as if his life depended on her. "I missed you, Y/n-ah... I missed you so much..." He started sobbing hard and buried his face in the crook of his wife's neck. "I am so sorry... I know I am horrible but please please please forgive me..." He started caressing her head to provide her comfort even though he was the one who needed it at that time.

"J-Jimin." She choked out and hugged him tightly. People around them found the scene in front of them more interesting than the fire cracker show. They started cheering after seeing the couple hug each other so tightly. Everyone was happy except one man, Brian...

"Jimin." He whispered. He was fuming in anger and jealousy. He couldn't see love of his life in someone else's arms. He ran towards the couple and harshly pulled Jimin away from Y/n.

"Stay away from her you bastard!" He yelled, and pushed him further away from Y/n. Y/n panicked after seeing his best friend so angry and that also on her husband.

Jimin couldn't understand what was happening. He gave Brian a confused look. "Excuse me? Who are you?" He asked rudely, trying to suppress his anger.

Brian didn't reply just gave him a glare. "Y/n, What's this!?" He yelled at Y/n, who flinched at his sudden out burst. "You can't go back to him!" He gave her a look of disbelief.

"And why can't she go back with me!?" Jimin lost his patience. "And who the fuck are you to take decisions on her behalf!?"

"Y/n-ah... You forget what he did to you?" Brian ignored Jimin and kept on talking to Y/n, who was fidgeting with her fingers in nervousness. "Y/n he tried to hurt you!" He cupped her face in his hands. "Please Y/n... Don't go back to him... Don't you have self-respect?"

"Keep your hands away from her!" Jimin yelled, after seeing someone else touching his wife.

"And who the hell are you to say that!?" Brian finally replied Jimin.

"Her husband."

"That's enough!" Y/n finally lost her temper. "That's for me to decide what I should do. None of you have any right to take decision for me."

They both just kept on glaring at each other, convinced by what she said. "Jimin..." She called for him.

Brian tried to protest. "But Y/n-"

"Brian." She glared at him, which immediately shut the man.

Jimin smirked and looked at Y/n and in a second his gaze softened. "Yes Y/n-ah?" He ran to her and cupped her cheeks in his palms.

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