8.2 Soft

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My heart began beating crazily. I tightly clenched my fist and without giving it a second thought, I ran to Jimin and threw that spider away from his back with my BARE hand. I screamed, "Jimin!"

He immediately turned around and the moment he turned around, I tightly hugged him. At first, he was confused and didn't hug me back infact he tried to push me away but when I pointed at the spider and he noticed it, he immediately hugged me back in a protective way. Though, that was the moment for which I longed for so much but that spider didn't let me enjoy it and the fact that I touched that creepy creature was not helping me at all.

We quickly exited the place. I was so traumatized that I kept on clinging on him and thankfully he didn't leave me. And kept on caressing my hair.

He called one of the staff working over there and complained about the spider. The staff quickly went inside and brought the spider out. The moment I saw that spider again I hugged him more tighly, if possible. I literally thought that his shirt would tear for sure.

"Please get a room." A female voice spoke. Suddenly, I felt someone's hand on one of my shoulder. But I still didn't leave Jimin.

"Oh... Hi Sam. I think that's your name?" Jimin spoke.


"Yeah. Hi Jimin." She spoke.


I quickly parted away from him.

"Are you okay, now?" Jimin asked while caressing my hair. I felt so much loved at that time. I blushed a little and nodded.

"Why? What happened?" Sam asked.

"Nothing. I just touched a spider." I said.

"What?!" She shouted. Jimin and I flinched at her sudden change in voice. She quickly hugged me actually choked me. "Are you okay?!" She cupped my cheeks with both of her hands. Though people may think that she was over reacting but believe me, she wasn't. She is the only one who has seen me in my worst conditions. Once, I even passed out due to my phobia.

"Yeah... Don't worry. I am fine!" I held her hands and winked.

She sighed, "Thank God."

"Hey! How was the experience?!" Someone suddenly screamed in my ears and wrapped their hand around my shoulder. I looked up at the one and was shocked to see Tae. I blushed a little.

"The experience was awful." Jimin said. " See, there are so many scratches on my arm." Jimin showed his arms to Tae and glared at me. I looked everywhere except him.

"Ooo..." Tae bent a little backwards. Then, he noticed Sam. "Hi...?"

"Oh! Hi. I am Samaira. Friends call me Sam." She smiled. Or rather say, blushed.

Tae also blushed a little. "Hi. I am Taehyung. Friends call me Tae." He smiled.

"Oh..." Sam looked at her feets. Her cheeks were red and same with Tae!

Oooo, Am I missing something? Let's try to play the role of a cupid.

" Tae, where is Nikki?" I asked.

"Oh... She found her boyfriend so, she left me." He pouted.

"She left you? Can't believe this. She can't leave you alone." Jimin raised his one eyebrow.

"Uh... Actually she asked me to be with them but I didn't want to disturb them so... I left them." He grinned and rubbed the back of his head.

I smiled. "Sam, are you alone?"

Unpredictable || pjm [JIMIN] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now