35. "I'm not normal"

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"If you didn't love me then you would have never let me do this, especially in public." He winked.

Okay, he won.

"Now say you love me." He demanded.

I playfully rolled my eyes. "Whatever."

"Say it." He whined. "Okay I will say first. I love you." He kissed my forehead.

"Copy that." I turned my head towards the sun.

"What the fuc- say it!" He was literally whining like a kid now and I would be lying if I'd say I wasn't enjoying it.

He is such an oxymoron. Just a few minutes ago he was acting like a daddy and playing out a little stunt in public and now he was a kid again! Who would even say it's the same person!

"Same to you." I chuckled.

"Don't be like that." He faked crying.

I started laughing so hard that people around me would definitely be giving us a wierd look. But I couldn't care less. I was happy at the moment.

I was happy with him.

Because I love him.

End of recap

2 month later

I jolted up at the nauseous feeling growing in the pit of my stomach. Somehow setting myself free from Jimin's tight grasp, while making sure not to wake him up, I sped off to the bathroom and kneeled beside the seat.

I retched twice or thrice and then finally threw up. I vomited non-stop till the last bit of food left inside my stomach. I felt drained out.

My head was spinning, I was feeling tired even though I had a good night sleep, my joints were aching, and I felt like spewing again. It was like I had a hangover but I didn't drink even a drop of alcohol last night!

Suddenly, Jimin barged inside with worry written all over his face. Seeing me beside the seat, he came closer and kneeled right in front of me.

"Are you okay?" His voice was soft yet laced with worry. He cupped my left cheek and held my hand with his free one. "What happened?"

"Not good." Was all I was able to spill out.

Seeing my droopy eyes and lack of energy even to speak properly he immediately understood I was not good.

"Do you wanna throw more?"

"No more food in-" and I retched again.

"Okay, I got it." He panicked a little.

Instantly, he lifted me up bridal style and took me to the bed. He made sure I was comfortable, covered me with blanket and went back to the bathroom. I heard him flush and then some water running. He was cleaning off my mess.

I felt really bad at that time. I wanted to rush in and clean it myself but I was way too weak. I don't even know when I drifted off to my dreamland.


"Don't worry, Jimin. She will be alright."

"But Aunt, she is in a really bad shape!"


I woke up at the voices talking right beside me. It was hard for me to open my eyes at once but after blinking twice, it was a success.

"She is awake!" It was Jimin.

Unpredictable || pjm [JIMIN] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now