11. Story

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After our lovely conversation, we both returned to the hall, together. Mom, secretly gave me a huge smile when she saw us entering the hall together while talking.

The whole day was normal, nothing really special happened but still, because of the morning's time, it was my best day! Jimin went to his office because of some work even though mom tried to stop him by saying that he was just married. He should at least take some day's leave from business like I did. But as expected, work is more important for him than me.


"Hey mom, do you need anything?" I asked. Mom was in the kitchen preparing some special drink for God knows who. I asked for help but every time she either pushed me out of the kitchen or gave me a glare. And as expected this time also I received a glare, great.

"I am going in my room, then. If you need anything, just call me." I said and exited the kitchen.

"Thanks! But no thanks!" She shouted from the kitchen.

Sometimes, I really doubt if she is my mother-in-law or I am her one. She really has a very cute, joyful and bubbly personality. No doubt why Mr. Park fell so deeply in love with her.

I entered my room or rather say 'our' room. I took out the book that Jimin gave me this morning and made myself comfortable at one end of the bed. I started reading it.

After around an hour, Jimin entered the room. "Hey, you are back." I said and closed my book.

"Hey. You are finally reading your favourite book, huh?" He started unbuttoning his shirt to change into a comfortable t-shirt.

I couldn't help myself but to stare at his perfectly toned abs.
Oh God... Bless my life...

"Y/n?" I came back to my senses and saw Jimin giving me a 'what happened' look.

"Y-ye-yeah?" I stuttered. Urghh! Why am I like that?! I tried to remember what Jimin was asking. "Yeah... I am finally reading this book just because of you! Thanks!"

"Good. How is this?"

"Till now, it's amazing!" I grinned. He nodded and smiled.

"Do you know what mom is trying to cook?" He asked with a curious expression.

"Dunno. She said that she was trying to make some sort of a drink." I shrugged.

"Drink? But when I went to her, she was cooking something." He gave me a worried look.

"Cooking? Maybe she changed her mind. But, why do you look so worried?"

"Cause I am worried. Mom doesn't know how to cook well!"

"You must be kidding me. She made an awesome lasagna!"

"Because that's the only thing she knows how to cook!" He widened his eyes.

Suddenly, I smelled something weird. I sniffed "Wait. What's that smell?"

Jimin also sniffed. His eyes widened. "Holy fucking shit!" My eyes also widened as I realized that it wasn't some normal weird smell.

We both ran to the kitchen. Before entering the kitchen, I decided to take the fire extinguisher along with me. As we both entered, we saw mom standing in the corner with hands on her ears. She was screaming loudly. And the stove was on FIRE!

I ran to the stove and sprayed till the fire was totally extinguished. Three of us stared at each other and the stove for two minutes in silence.

Suddenly, we broke out in laughter. Jimin laughed so hard that he even fell onto the ground. Tears started falling out my eyes due to laughing so hard. And mom also started laughing without any reason.

Unpredictable || pjm [JIMIN] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now