19. Trapped

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Warning: Contains triggering content!


"No..." I mumbled... "No... You can't leave me like that..."

"What...?" She asked, looking at me a little confused.

"Can't you hear me!?" I yelled at her, which made her flinch. "You can't f*cking leave me! I will never let you go back to him!" I lost my patience, my temper, my facade of being nice and angelic... I lost all. The fear of loosing the love of my life made me insane...

"The hell are you speaking Brian!? Have you lost it!?" She yelled back.

I grabbed her shoulders tightly which made her gasp. " Can't you see Y/n-ah... Can't you see how much I love you...?" I could feel my cheeks getting wet, which means I was crying...

"You have gotten mad, Brian! Just leave me and let me go already!" She struggled in my grip, but I embraced her and didn't let her escape.

"No... I won't let you go anywhere... You are mine and only mine... You will stay with me forever..." I backed up a little to look into my baby's beautiful eyes. "We will always live together... Even if that means I will have to keep you with me by force..." Her eyes widened at my last words. I smirked after seeing her shocked and scared expression.

You are mine... Only mine...

End of Recap~

(After few days)

I don't know when was the last time I saw the sunlight or breathe in some fresh air. Ever since I told Brian that I wanted to return back to Jimin, he has 'imprisoned' me inside a room and didn't let me walk out of that room, even for once. All the windows of the room are sealed and covered with black paper.

I never knew that Brian was this mad and obsessed with me... Everyday he speaks words that scares the shit out of me-

'I can even kill for you Y/n-ah...'

'Who so ever tried to take you away from me, I will give him the torturous death that I can...'

'Don't you dare to take Jimin's name again or he will be dead...'

A shiver ran down my whole body only at the thought of him doing such things. All these things were still tolerable but the thing that disgusts me the most is... He kisses me almost every time he sees me... I just feel like digging a 10 meter deep hole inside the ground, and bury myself in it...

"Baby~" I curled up into a ball and hugged my legs tightly, when I heard his voice calling me. "Baby~ It's lunch time~" He unlocked the door of the room, and entered it. The moment he saw me, a large grin appeared on his face.

He looked totally opposite from his personality... For once, I mistook him with the Brian I knew back in school, my best friend...

"Baby~" He skipped towards me and wasted no time in locking his lips with mine, after keeping the tray of food aside. I tried to push him away but he held my hands tightly with his one hand, and kept my face in place with other.

He sighed in exasperation when, as usual, I didn't respond to his kiss. "Baby... When will you understand that I am the only one for you..." He cupped my cheeks but I turned my head towards the window, which was covered with black paper.

"Fine..." He growled and put the bowl of my favourite noodles in front of me. "Let's eat!" He beamed like an excited child but I rolled my eyes because now, I knew that it was all a facade. He is actually no one less than a psychopath.

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