28. Problem

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"Good morning baby." He mumbled and hugged me and afterwards, closed his eyes again.

"Jimin-ah! Wake up!" This time I shouted a little which made him flinch and immediately open his eyes.

"What happened!?" He asked, a bit panicked.

"There are some voices coming out-" I couldn't even complete my sentence when the door, which connected Bussiness class and economic class, was kicked open.

Two men barged inside the room and instantly their eyes started searching for something or rather say someone. The moment their eyes fell on us, they became attentive and took out guns from their back pocket and pointed them towards us.

"Hands up! It's a HIJACK!"

End of recap~

I felt Jimin's hand holding mine tightly. He started drawing slow circles on the back of my hand. Unfortunately, those hijackers noticed it and immediately shouted. "No no! No funny business! I said hands up!" He shouted and loaded his gun, trying to scare us.

Instantly, I left Jimin's hand and put my hands up in air. One of the hijacker came towards us and pulled Jimin away from me. He pushed Jimin ahead, forcing him to move and pointed his gun at me. The other hijacker kept his gun on Jimin's forehead and pulled him along with him to the Economic Class.

Not long after, hijacker, who had his gun pointed at my forehead, pulled me along with him to the Economic class. The moment I entered there, I noticed more hijackers scattered around in the plane with their guns pointed at random people.

"Move, move!" Hijacker pushed me, forcing me to move. Without arguing, I kept on moving and sat on the seat which, coincidentally, was beside Jimin. The moment I sat down on the seat, I immediately hugged him and finally let out all the tears I was carrying inside. He caressed my hair while mumbling comforting words in my ear.

"Everything will be alright. Don't worry, I am here." He mumbled. Some what, I felt relaxed but my tears weren't stopping.

"Everyone pay attention!" Suddenly, one of the hijackers, who looked like their head, yelled. "I am going to circulate this basket to every one. Without any objection, keep all your gadgets whether it be mobile phones, charger, ear plugs, watches- everything in that basket. Later on, if I found anyone of you having any sort of device with you, I will not hesitate to put all the bullets, inside this gun, into your head!" He lifted up his gun to show it to everyone.

Many people gasped in shock. They immediately took out all of their electronic devices and held them into their hands.

"A3!" The head shouted. One of the hijackers ran to him and bowed down as a greeting. Almost instantly, I recognized him as the guy whom I bumped into at the airport.

"I shouldn't have ignored my suspicious thoughts..." I regretted my decision and felt like crying again.

The man referred to as A3, started moving around in the plane with a basket in his hands and the other hijacker, who was moving with him, was checking everyone for the gadgets and was forcing them to put everything, even their wallets, into the basket.

Eventually, both of them reached us...

The moment A3's eyes fell on me, his eyes widened in shock and a small "oh!" left his mouth. I held onto Jimin's hand tightly and looked everywhere but him.

"I see." I heard him say, which made me look at him. He was smirking, at God knows what, and was staring at our intertwined hands, intensely.

"Newly married, I guess." The other hijacker said.

Unpredictable || pjm [JIMIN] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now