12. Driving lesson

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(After one week)

Mom went back, Jimin 'officially' started going to office, I sadly shifted back into my room, Jimin forced me to write so I started writing again and yeah... everthing is back to normal leaving just one thing, 'Jimin's previous behaviour'.

I am still very confused that how come Jimin changed but whatever the reason is, I am very happy that he did. Now, I don't have to bear his usual cold looks and replies. He has finally 'friend-zoned' me. Though, I am not happy with that either but it is still better than being 'enemy-zoned'.

Jimin is in his office and he has forced me to write something. He said that he will check it at night like a teacher checks a student's homework. And yeah their will be a 'punishment' if I don't complete it.

I am happy that he cares about my interests. This past week has been the best time of my life. He started caring for me more since he came to know about my past. I am glad I came transparent with him.

I was sitting in the living room with a blank notebook in front of me. I was bound to write something as there was a dead line. If I don't write anything, Jimin won't be 'happy'.

But the problem was that my mind was blank! I was not having even a single idea! It's been a long time since I last wrote something. And I was not able to think properly because of dead line's pressure.

I read many articles, guidelines, novels and many things to help me get an idea but it all went in vain. Finally, I got an idea! I picked up my pen to write something but at that very moment, to distract me and of course to make my mind blank again, my phone rung. What a good fortune I have!

I took a deep breath before answering the call because I didn't want to scare away the person. The caller's Id read 'hubby.'

A wide smile automatically appeared on my face. All my anger flushed out and I answered the call.


"Hello? Who is this?" I asked in a teasing tone.

"Hello ma'am. I just wanted to inform you that you have won a lottery of two thousand dollars. Congratulations. Would you like to keep the amount or donate it to some sort of orphanage or something?" Jimin answered in a polite tone as if this was really his job. I chuckled.

"Really Y/n? You don't know me?" He tried to sound disheartened.

"Nope. I don't know you." I blurted out.

Jimin chuckled, " I would have loved to play along with you, but I am in bit of a hurry right now. Please do me a favour."

"Oh. What is it?"

"Actually, I left one of my important files in the room. Can you please bring it? I need it urgently." He asked in a little 'begging' tone.

"Sure. Can you tell me something about the file, so that I would pick the correct one?" I got up from my seat and I started moving towards his room.

"It would be on the dressing table, I guess. Just check it there first."


I entered his room and went to the dressing table. It was lying right at the spot. I smiled. "Got it!"

"Great! Now please bring it."

"Don't say 'please' again and again. I will bring it, don't worry." I got a little irritated because of him saying 'please' again and again.

"Okay." He chuckled lightly. "Tell me, how is your story going on? Have you written anything, yet?"

My smile instantly dropped and I made a 'duh' face. "Don't ask. I was finally going to write something after an hour of struggling but I forgot everything because of you!" I whined.

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