11: A Prophecy Comes True?

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~~Mean while~~

         ~~~Nya P.O.V.~~~

         I watch as Kai, Jay, Cole, Zane and Lloyd race away in the car, with Leray running a safe distance away as a cheetah. Now I am officially board. I say in my head.

         Misako, Sensei Wu, and Zane’s and Leray’s father are having tea. I know that he said I could call him father but just thinking about the word father makes me remember my real father. I don’t even remember what his real name is or was. Just that one day when Kai was old enough to run the shop and take care of me, that father left and we never saw him again. Same with my mother.

         I guess I will just call Zane’s and Leray’s father… Mr. Inventor. Ug! I’m so bored I’m starting to make up names. I might as well call Sensei Wu: Ninja Teacher. And call Misako: Scroll Lady.

         Suddenly Stone Warriors or whatever Leray calls them, burst out of the bushes. And invade the camp. Before I can fight back a sack is thrown over my head, I’m tied up, thrown into a wagon (I think I’m in a wagon) and pulled to some place. I can hear the (oh what does Leray call them? Yea know what, I think I’ll just stick with Stone Warriors) talking to each other in a language I don’t understand. I bet they’re talking about me whenever they laugh.

         Finally after what seemed like forever we come to a stop. I am pulled out of the wagon and pulled by two Stone Warriors. Then they stop and pull off the sack, Garmadon is standing in front of me with some kind of orb thing floating above his head. The orb thing has a purple-black center with a dark pink color surrounding the center. The orb looks like it is two feet around. Black metal! Wares Leray when you need her to kick but for you.

         “You’ll never get away with this!” I shout at Garmadon.

         “It looks like red isn’t your color. How about we try a darker shade?” He sticks an apple in my mouth. “Bring the dark mater forward!” He barks at a Stone Warrior. The Stone Warrior disappears in to a tent.

         “It looks like *deep breath* we have our first *deep breath* test subject…” The orb spoke to Garmadon. It’s voice thick and raspy, when it breaths it makes hissing sounds like greased fire. The purple-black stuff in the orb’s center pulses with thick oozy light when it speaks.

         “Yes we do Over Lord, yes me do.” Garmadon laughs slightly and folds his upper two arms, with his other two arms he presses his fingertips together and barks, “WERE IS MY DARK MATER?!” to the stone warriors.

         The Stone Warrior that disappeared in to the tent reapers with a silver tray-box piled high with pure black muck that was kind of oozing. There are small lights like stars jerkily swimming around in the stuff. It’s not black mater it’s black magic. The Stone Warrior holding the black magic in the try-box stops behind me. Garmadon takes me by the hair and turns me around so that I am facing the Stone Warrior with the black magic and then he pushes me forward, plunging my face in to the black magic.

         The black magic is icy cold and begins to flow in to me, the felling is sickening and I’m pretty shore I was sick all over the cobble stones in front of me and hopefully Garmadon. It feels like something alien is coming in to me, squishing and rearranging my bones. I instantly know that I will not be able to control my actions in this poisoned form.

~~~Kai P.O.V.~~~

         “BLACK MEDAL!” I curse and drop my arms to my sides.

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