18: It All Comes Down to the Face Off

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         He sweeps a scaly clawed paw at me and I tumble to the roof of the building with a spin breaking impact. I jump up as a corner of the building falls away and I take flight. Using my small leathery wings to fly I use my bone wings to slice through the Over Lords black scales. He roars and shakes me off; my bony wings are covered in black blood.

         Lloyd reaches the roof a speck of green among black and gray clouds. His hood-mask is on and determination sparks in his eyes. I let my guard down so the Over Lord takes the chance and lashes his tail across my back, ripping my wings off. I fall down past the edge of the roof, but I reach out and manage to grasp a hold of the roof’s edge. Using the little strength I have left I pull myself up and roll on the roof.

         I struggle to keep my eyes open as blood pools around me from the wound on my back. A tear pricks in the corner of my eye, either from sadness or anger I can’t tell. All I know is that the Over Lord tore away my wings from my back and hurt me. My dark purple eye lids flutter closed and I fade in to darkness, in pain and confused. Like the dreams I’ve had before, but without the burst of pure light. As I slowly fade away I can sense Jay, Cole, and Zane have been turned evil like Nya who has a dagger pressed to her brother’s throat and the Walking Stone men are gone. We’ve lost the battle and the war…

~~~Lloyd’s P.O.V.~~~

         I stare at Leray’s battered face as blood falls from ware her wings used to be. I still love her and always will even as a demon.

         The Over Lord bends his head down over his daughter and sniffs her lifeless form, then whipping his black scaly head to me he roars, “YOUR FAULT! ALL YOU’RE FAULT! ALL BECAUSE OF YOU! SHE IS DEAD!”

         Dead the word rings in my head as I slide in to fighting stance. This is something I can’t live with, but I must fulfill my destiny, and maybe someday I will be with her again. The Over Lord rears on his hind legs and thrashes his head. A small tear flies from his snout and in to the clouds. Turning his attention back to me, he opens his mouth and breathes black magic fire. Wow is that all he can do? I wonder as I throw up my hands making a swirling orb of light around me.

         When the Over Lord closes his mouth and tilts his head in confusion I take the chance and blast him with ice freezing his head. Then firing lightening, I crack the ice and it falls to the roof shattering in pieces. Instinctively I want to turn and make sure Leray doesn’t get hit. I stop myself just in time as the Over Lord fires at me again. I throw up my arms and the swirling orb returns, shielding me from the fire.

         I look up and lock eyes with the Over Lord, my anger swells and so does his. He opens up large papery black wings with holes in them, he flaps his wings and I am pushed back to the edge. Suddenly I flash back to every time I was ever happy in my life. Images of Kai schooling Jay on video games, food fights, Zane busting his funny switch, Cole’s chicken mouth glue, Ultra-dragon, Uncle, mom, dad, Nya, and then Leray.

         The fact that they now all lay dead or poisoned with black magic gives me new strength. Suddenly the swirling orb of light protecting me changes in to swirling gold dust in the shape of a 100 foot long dragon.

         I am dazzled by the sudden change of my ninja suit. Which is no longer black and green, but gold-black and green. The buckles are black as well as the sash tied around my waist, but my symbol is now green and not gold like it was before.

         Taking the advantage the Over Lord pushes me off the roof. As I fall a flail my arms and see that the swirling dragon shape around me mimics me. I flap my arms like I’ve seen Leray do as a snowy owl. Success! I begin to fly up and the Over Lord barrel rolls down to me, he opens his wings that surprisingly hold his weight.

         Tilting his wings he circles around me till I am surrounded by inky black clouds. “You’ll never defeat me! Ware there’s light there’s always shadow!” the Over Lord’s voice reaches me from all around.

         “Not if my light is brighter!” I shout back. Summoning up all my power, the swirling gold dragon around me grows brighter and even brighter till the Over Lord cries out in pain and diminishes to nothing. As the black cloud disappears a new light falls on Ninjago city… my light.

         The tower shatters, with big chunks flying in all directions, the other buildings around the tower get toppled by the flying chunks and shadows shrink away, trying to hide from my light. Where the tower once stood is now a crater.

         Exhaustion washes over me like a wave. Losing my focus start falling to the ground, squeezing my eyes shut I expect to hit the ground but instead feel claws catching on the back of my ninja suit. I open my eyes and Ultra-dragons four heads peer at me. “Don’t worry bud I’m ok.” I say patting one of his noses. He lowers me to the ground and unhooks his claws from my ninja suit.

         As soon as my feet are on the ground I look around for the others. Kai and Jay are talking to Nya Zane must be looking for his sister and Cole is helping him. Uncle and mom (Sensei and Misako) are tending to Ultra-dragon’s tail. Zane’s father is looking at the mess around him and then walks over to Zane.

         Dead. The word is still ringing in my head, instantly I begin to run around looking for Leray. I happen to look up and see a motion less shape. Slowly I walk over thinking, Pleas no. Don’t let it be her. It can’t be… No matter what I tell myself I know it is her, kneeling down I brush chestnut-brown hair off her cheek. She is no longer in her morphed form and bleeding. Someone kneels beside me, I look up and see my father (Garmadon), he is good again, not evil.

         Ultra-dragon walks over slightly shaking the ground with his heavy feet. Lifting one claw he gently presses it to her fore head and sparks fly. Her eyes open and she slowly sits up shaking her head and whispers, “Oh lord, I am never doing that again.”

~~~Leray P.O.V.~~~

         “What? Dying?” Jay jokes and Nya elbows him.

         I roll my eyes and stand up. The war is over Garmadon is good again, everything and one is good again. I turn to Lloyd, he hugs me and says, “Are you ok?”

         "Yes. But I am afraid we must go our own ways.” I reply as green eyes meet brown.

         “But…” He starts.

         “No but’s Love, I am no longer needed.” I shift into a snowy owl and take to the wind.

         “You’ll come back right?!” Lloyd calls after me.

         “Maybe…….” I tilt my wings and Ninjago city fades away behind me. Destiny will decide.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The End~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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