13: A Dark Past

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            We sit in silence as a small pile of wood shavings gathers on the sand below the bounty’s railing. Kai, Cole, Jay, and Zane are tossing coconuts in the air and then blowing the coconuts up with their new powers, while saying bad catch phrases. Finally I can’t take it anymore, “Lloyd, in my trance I learned that I am the result of…” I can’t finish my sentence.

            “What? You can tell me anything.” He comforts me.

            “I am the result of a dark magic explosion created by the Over Lord.” I confess.

            “So in a way you are the Over Lords daughter?” Lloyd looks at me.

            “Yes. Everything I believe in, everything I know. Feels wasted now, and everything feels like my fault.” My world has been turned upside down.

            “But it isn’t.” He argues.

“Before time had a name, before there was the first Spinjitzu Master, before light and good, there was nothing but dark matter and empty space. It was from this that I was created by the Over Lord. I was a literal demon.

“Then the Spinjitzu Master came and the battle broke out. After the Spinjitzu Master split the land in half making Ninjago and the Dark Island I managed to escape and was not trapped on the Dark Island like the Over Lord, so that stuck me with all his dirty work. I sunk lands, which is why Ninjago and the Dark Island are the only islands, and I killed millions and hunted thousands for the fun of it. And later, in his old and weak age, I killed the first Spinjitzu Master.

“Then one day as I was flying back to the Island of Darkness when I was caught in a storm and was thrown against a rock. My head was hit so hard I passed out. And when I woke up and I had no memory and Dr. Julian was leaning over me, turned out I washed ashore on the small island he was being held prisoner. He took me in and showed me what it was to be good. And that was when I changed, and I will never go back.  In my demon form, or morphed form, I can not age. When the Over Lord created me I was 16, and stayed that age for 3000 years. When I washed ashore on Dr. Julian's prison island I went to my human form and then I aged normally.”

            Lloyd looks at me, total shock on his face. “But your magic is pure good and your heart as well!”

            “Once upon a time long ago, I was none of that.” I tie a string to the tips of the bow and it is done. Next step a quiver and arrows.

            I jump down and go over to the broken table ware my crushed quiver and broken arrows still lay. I kneel down and scoop up my crushed quiver, good no holes only squished. Dumping out the arrows I look at their condition. A few ruffled feathers, some broken in half, and several of the stone heads missing or broken off. Only three arrows survived me falling on them. I pick one up and it falls apart, ok make that two.

Dropping the remains of the arrow I take my quiver and pop it in to place. Spinning it around in my hands I look for flaws in the polished woven wood, nothing. Good one less thing to fix, clipping it to the leather strap on my back I place my only two good arrows in it.

Lloyd must have gone to join the other ninjas in their game because I hear him say, “Fail! That wasn’t even close!” as Jay misses the target. I quickly slap together three new arrows and place them in my quiver. Discarding the more broken pieces I walk in to the forest to go pay my real father a visit. The Over Lord. I walk in to the dark forest.

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