8: Lord Garmadon's Camp

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~27 minutes later~

         I swiftly climb up the side of a bolder sticking out of the black soil, the ninjas are close behind me. Cole I notice is the fastest climber out of the four. I am at the top of the bolder lying on my stomach watching the commotion below.

         “Finally!” Jay pants as he reaches the top. Zane is at my right with the medallion. He is looking through it, trying to find the match. “Wow, its Garmadon’s camp.” Jay breaths, looking at the site below us.

         “No… I thought it was a take-out restraint.” Kai says sarcastically.

         The camp is in a clearing at the foot of a mountain. There are two tents one bigger than the other, most likely Garmadon’s. Walking Stone men are swarming around the camp like bees to honey. They are caring a dark liquid in trays and buckets to another structure in the camp. I can’t see what it is because it is surrounded by a wooden gate, only the end of a canon is poking out between the blanks of wood in the gate. The ground has been paved with cobble stones.

         “I found him?!” Zane says in an excited whisper.

         “What already?” Kai takes the medallion and looks through it. “Wait him?” Kai takes the medallion off his eye and looks at Zane.

         “Falcon!” Zane says and slides down the side of the bolder.

         “Stay out of sight.” Cole whispers after him. He turns to me, “You know Falcon right? He’s Zane’s robot bird.”

         “I know. Um… is Lloyd younger then he looks?” I ask them. (Kai, Jay, and Cole.)

         “Yes… how do you know?” Jay looks at me. His eyes sparkle with suspicion.

         “I can see it in his eyes.”

         Kai turns to me. “What?”

         “Your eyes can show how old you are, your feelings, and your wisdom.” I explain.

         “It’s all because of Lord Garmadon, and the mega weapon. The mega weapon is a combination of the four golden weapons, Sword of Fire, Nunchucks of Lightning, Shurikens of Ice, and Scythe of Earth-” Cole flicks a small stone of the bolder as I cut in.

         “I know that. Now tell me what happened?” I see them exchange a glance. They are obviously embarrassed about something.

         “Well… at the history museum in Ninjago city. Garmadon used it to revive the Gronkl. In trying to stop him we, Kai, Cole, Zane, and I, jumped on to the spine of the Gronkl’s skeleton. In making the Gronkl young again, he also succeeded in making us younger as well. You should have seen Cole he ran in circles screaming!” I laugh as Jay tells me what happened.

         Kai continues, “In order to destroy the Gronkl and make use older again, Sensei Wu and Nya got a special herb that did the trick. When we got it, Lloyd was helping us battle the Gronkl, and used the herb as Zane, Cole, Jay, and I held the Gronkl in one place. Lloyd was caught in the effects and was turned older like us.”

         By now Jay has the Medallion and is lying on his back looking around with it. Cole is watching Zane, and Kai is sitting by Cole. I sit up and press my back against a taller bolder that is leaning on the one we are sitting on. Jay must be really bored because he says, “I spy with my little eye… a tree.”

         Cole pays no attention to him and says hotly, “Way doesn’t Zain just get his stupid bird already?”
         Kai opens his mouth but Jay bets him to it. “I spy with my little eye…” He swivels his head around a bit. “O another tree!”

         “Jay how did you ever become a ninja? You’re terrible at it.” Cole looks at Jay.

         Jay stands up. “Oh! I’ve found it!” He shouts.

         “Really?! Let me see!” Kai reaches for the Medallion. Quick as a cat I beat him to it and look out through it. Three specks of light a line with the holes in the medallion. The specks of light are sitting on top of three mountain top points.

         “That’s it alright.” I tell them.

         “Jay I take back everything I have ever said about you. You’re a fine ninja. Not as good as me, but…” I punch Cole hard on the arm that he stops his sentence as he stubbles trying not to fall.

         “That our cue.” Kai said as he points to Zane who now has Falcon in his hands and is surrounded by Walking Stone men. Kai, Cole, and Jay slide down the side of the bolder to go and help. Me? I have other plans at a grand entrance. I pull my moon sword made from pure harvested moon and star light. Taking a running start I jump off the rock. In mid-jump I shift it to a snowy owl and drop down in my warrior form by my brother. I swing my blade and lope off a Walking Stone’s head. It instantly turns to ruble.

         “Indestructible? I think not!” I say with a laugh. I reduce several other Walking stone men to ruble, and save Kia from a sword through the heart.

         As I fight with him he asks me, “Does that other sword of yours cut through them.”

         “I’m afraid not.” I reply to him in between doges. Before I know it, I have my back against the fence surrounding the camp. The ninjas are some ware by the exit. Walking Stone men have circled around me and are not moving in on me. I stay still in a fighting stance ready to chop them to ruble.

         Two move aside and a black skinned man walks forward. Garmadon. His face is black like the shirt he wears, his pants are also black. Except for the purple scarf for a belt. On his head is a helmet with a v on the for head. He is smiling; his teeth are white like my brothers ninja suit. His eyes are red like blood, and he has four arms. I could chop him to pieces but it is not my place.

         He sneers at me with an awful grin, reaches forward and grasps my chin. “Are you the one destroying my army?” His hand is cold. I smile like a devil, and place my sword blade on his throat.

         “Leray! Come on! We’re leaving!” Cole calls to me, I growl.

         “There’s no ware to run.” Garmadon says coldly.

         “Yes there is… up.” I point up. In a flash a whip around, and in three bounds of the side of the fence I am by Cole and running out of the camp.

            “Wow! You know the Triple Tiger Sasha?” Cole puffs. I give him a questioning look.

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