I Can Wait Forever #2

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So here is Chapter 2. Comments and votes always welcome:)

Chapter 2

As the show started you could see the excitement in the guys, they were singing loudly, dancing like idiots and Pierre was making stupid Pierre faces that made me burst out laughing periodically

An hour into the show Jeff sat down with his acoustic on a black box right in front of me. He started strumming and right away I knew the song, Untitled . As he was playing he kept his eyes on his fingers when all of a sudden he looked up looked out to the crowd. He smiled, then as he started to shift his eyes back to the guitar he stopped. His eyes got wide, as did mine when I knew it was me he had seen.

-Shit! He can't know it's me. I've changed to much, like honestly why did this have to happen. No he's looking at someone else. I look totally different there is no way he can tell it's me- I panicked. It was true though, since I had left Quebec I had changed so much. I had lost a lot of weight, gotten contacts, grown my hair out and had my braces taken off.

Jeff kept staring and I knew then he did recognize me. -SHIT- I had come to see them play, not for them to see me. With his eyes still beating down on me, I turned away from Jeff and tried to act like nothing had happened.

After Untitled, Jeff stood up from the box and walked towards Pierre and David, whispering something to them. Pierre's face turned to shock as he stepped up to the microphone.

"Ok this next song, is dedicated, to an old friend of ours who is in the audience." My heart stopped and I couldn't breath. Pierre kept talking to the crowd, but I couldn't hear anything, until he started singing. I knew the song off by heart, it was my favorite song. I could feel my cheeks getting hot and tears start to well up in my eyes as the song started.

"Now you're gone

I wonder why

You left me here

I think about it on,

and on, and on, and on again

I know you're never coming back

I hope that you can hear me

I'm waiting to hear from you

Until I do.. "

I slowly backed my way through the crowd.

"You're gone away

I'm left alone

A part of me

Is gone and I'm not moving on

So wait for me

I know the day will come

I'll meet you there

no matter where life takes me to

I'll meet you there

And even if I leave you here

I'll meet you there"

I looked at the stage once more then turned and ran through the crowds.

I could still hear Pierre's voice as I ran.

"I wish I could of told you

the things I kept inside

but now I guess it's just to late

So many things remind me of you

I hope that you can hear me

I miss you

This is good-bye one last time

You're gone away

I'm left alone

A part of me

Is gone and I'm not moving on......."

I was finally outside where I couldn't hear the rest of the song. I couldn't listen anymore. I sat down crying on the curb. Through my sobbing if I listened carefully I could still hear the guys singing and the crowd screaming.

Within minutes I could hear people opening the doors to come outside, the show was over. People stared at me as they made their way to their cars. I didn't care, I wasn't going to stop. I kept crying as the the parking lots became empty within the next hour, leaving me sitting alone with only the light from the above street lamp to keep company. I looked up towards the sky, the tears on my cheeks glimmering in the light. Snowflakes were slowly starting to fall onto the cold ground I sat upon. This was the worst mistake I had ever made. Why did I have to come here? I was happy in my life, then I had to go buy a ticket to this stupid concert. I should have stayed home, but no, here I am looking like a loser crying out on a sidewalk. I lied down and watched the snowflakes in the beam of light from the lamp. The tears freezing to my now red cheeks

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