I Can Wait Forever #10

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"Wonderful I have to drink again!" I laughed as I shot back another.

"Whoa! Brie who have you been dreaming about?" David said laughing.

"Never mind" I giggled sticking my tongue out at him.

I quickly shot a glance at Pierre who was seated beside Dee-Ann.

"Whatever, after a few more shots we'll get it out of you." Jacob said rubbing my leg.

"So you think. My turn, I have never slept with 3 different people in one day."

Tommy and Chris, (Hedley) each poured themselves a shot and laughed while drinking them.

"Eww guys so gross." I cringed.

"Ok so you guys are whores, my turn." Pierre laughed, his arm around Dee. "Brianne,truth or dare?" "Truth" "Who do you like at this very moment?" He was eying me intently. Before I could stop to think of my answer words came tumbling out of my mouth, "Someone close to you." I slapped my hand over my mouth, eyes bulging out of my head. "SHIT!"

"Who is it?"

"Never mind you wouldn't care anyways." I whispered.

"Come on Brianne, tell us."

"No, lay off like honestly." I was getting pissed at his questions now. My head was spinning and I could hardly concentrate on what I was saying. I was afraid to say anymore in case I answered his name to the next question.

He must have known I was angry because he didn't ask again.

"Pierre truth or dare?"

"Jeff why would you ask something so stupid. Dare obviously."

"Fine I dare you to kiss Dee for 15 seconds."

"Easy" With that Pierre leaned his face towards a much to willing Dee. Their lips touched and 15 seconds later they were still locked. A simple dare had turned into a full course make-out.

Finally I dropped a shot glass and they parted. "Oops" I growled.

"Whoa look at the time, I think we should head out. Last call was like an hour ago." Jacob said.

"Ya I want to go home, kinda tired and my head is hurting."

Actually I wanted to get away from Pierre and Dee-Ann. I couldn't watch this. I couldn't watch the guy I had been longing for years for, make out with my best friend. Plus my head was spinning, and I was afraid that I was going to blurt something out that would incriminate me.

We said goodbye to the Hedley boys, exchanging numbers obviously. Jacob really seemed to like me, and I did have a slight celebrity crush on him. I was kinda excited to hang out with him again. The excitement started to wear off the moment everyone was in cabs and I was stuck with Pierre and a passed out Dee-Ann.

I sat by the door Dee in the middle. She had her head on Pierre's shoulder, snuggled up close. Pierre had his arm around her shoulder cradling her while she slept.

Crossing my arms I turned my head to look out the window.

"So that was a good night now wasn't it?"

"Ya sure whatever."

"What's your problem. You seem a bit pissed."

"Actually I'm in a good mood thanks. Stop worrying about me and worry about her" I said pointing towards Dee.

"Ya she had a quite a few eh." He laughed.

"Ya well I had more she just sucks at drinking."

"Aw muffin are you just angry cause your feeling sick? Are you little drunk?" he joked.

"No actually I'm not drunk. I have actually sobered up quite a bit."

"Oh... Ok. So about that question. You ever gonna tell anyone who you like?"


"Why not. Come on. Tell me who is it? You said it was someone close to me."

"Ya you know him fairly well actually." I laughed to myself.

"Well who is it then?"

"Never mind Pierre just stop, honestly I'm not going to tell you. Just take care of Dee. She's your problem now."

I didn't want to talk anymore. Well actually I did, there was so much I wanted to say to him. So much after all these years. Yes my issue may have been with my brother, but Pierre was the one I loved. He had hurt me just as much as Seb had. He may not have known I loved him but still he had hurt me.


"Pierre stop! I don't want to talk to you right now." Tears threatened to fall from the corners of my eyes.

I continued to look out the window, losing track of time. It seemed like hours had passed, when we finally pulled up in front of my house.

Pierre payed the driver as I slammed the door and walked up the front step. My brother, Jeff, David, and Chuck we already passed out in the spare bedroom and on the two couches in my living room. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water and an apple, no hangover for me tomorrow. Dee sauntered into the house hand in hand with Pierre.

"Night Brie," she winked, walking with Pierre towards her room. My heart stopped beating as Pierre looked over at me as he walked through her door. My water bottle dropped with a clatter into the sink as the door closed. A silent tear slid down my cheek as the sound of her door locking filled the silent house.

I threw the apple across the room into the bathroom room and dropped the water bottle where I stood. With that I walked to my room. Who cares about hangovers when you're trying not to cry. Shutting the door quietly I changed into my pajamas. No other tears had escaped my eyes, yet that is. I couldn't talk. It took all the strength I had left in my body to even breath. I slipped under my blanket and pulled my pillow tightly to my face and let the water works fall.

There was no sobbing, no noise, nothing to interrupt the silence of the house. Unless you counted the sound of my breaking heart, but only I could hear that, and only I could feel it.

It took me forever to fall asleep but finally my eyes closed for good.

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