I Can Wait Forever #11

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I awoke the next morning to a killer headache and puffy eyes. My pillow was still damp from the tears but I could care less. Looking over at the clock on my night table I realized I had only been asleep 2 hours. It was only 6am. "Wonderful" I said aloud, my throat was sore, making my voice come out horse. I slowly made my way off my bed, stomach feeling worse then when I was lying down. I tried to make my way to the door when all of a sudden, I could feel the contents of my last night in my throat. I hurled myself towards the bathroom, hand over my mouth trying to keep everything in. As I reached the door I realized it was closed and locked. I pounded with my free hand, when the door finally opened, Pierre stood looking at me dumbfounded. "Brie?" In the split second before I hit the toilet I saw the bruises on his neck and chest.

As I continued to be sick, I could feel a hand on my shoulder and someone pulling my hair out of my face. "To much to drink last night?" I tried to push him away from me as he was the last person I wanted around, but he stayed solid rubbing my back. Finally my stomach was empty and I felt a bit better. I pushed Pierre away one more time and he finally stood up looking at me as I leaned against the bathroom wall knees to me chest and tears in my eyes. "Awww come on now. Being sick with a hangover is nothing to cry about. We've all gone through it. Don't worry." I really wished I could have been crying about that but I knew in my heart my hangover wasn't the reason. "Go away Pierre."I whispered. "Go back to Dee, she'll be waking up soon wondering where you are."

"What are you talking about?"

"You know what i'm talking about", I said pointing to the 'love bites'.

Pierre looked into the mirror and his head dropped. "Look Brie, it's not..."

"Ya ay whatever I really don't want to hear it. Get out I want to be left alone."

"Fine Brianne but you know I don't see why you care if I slept with anyone. You're not my mother", he said before slamming the door behind him. Putting my head on my knees I tried to forget what had just happened. Finally my stomach calmed itself enough for me to stand up and brush my teeth. A few minutes later I made my way out to the living room and noticed Pierre sitting in the kitchen, the smell of fresh coffee lingering in the air. He was fully dressed now, and I couldn't help but notice he wore a longer neck as to try and cover the marks De had given him. I looked into the living room and heard the soft snoring of the rest of the guys sleeping away.

Walking over to the coffee pot, I tried to keep my eyes off Pierre who had yet to look up at me. I poured myself a cup and took a sip. It hit the pit of my stomach like a brick but I could feel my head becoming less fuzzy. I made my way towards the table and sat down opposite to Pierre. "Thanks" I whispered as I took another sip. Finally he looked up at me, and my heart sank. His eyes were hard and his lips tight. I noticed his hands around his cup and saw the white knuckles that told me he was holing on tight. With one finally look he shook his head and walked towards the sink leaving his cup. Without so much as a final look back he made his way to the door and walked out.

My head was racing with erratic thoughts. What had I done? I had only thanked him for the coffee. I could feel my throat get tight with soon to be sobs so i made my way back to my room where I lied back down and hide under the blankets. How was it that only he could make me feel this way? I asked myself as once again my pillow became stained with my ever flowing tears. This was ridiculous. I had never in my life cried over a guy like I had Pierre.

Finally I felt sleep start to creep over me again as I closed my eyes and fell into a dreamless state.

Pierre's POV

I walked out the door. I couldn't stand to look at her right now. I can't believe she honestly thought I would go ahead and sleep with some girl I didn't even know. Well the hickeys didn't help my cause but that wasn't my fault It took all I had to push Dee off me last night. And why is Brie getting mad at me, she's the one that was all over Jake last night so she has no right to freak at me. I let out a sigh and rubbed my hand across my face as I walked down the street. Last night hadn't turned out the way people thought it had that's for sure. After being dragged into Dee's room, she had locked the door and pushed me onto the bed. Yes I may have liked that, but you know things change. Slowly she had started to take her clothes off, trying ever so hard to look seductive but with the level of alchole that was running through her body it was more like a baby learning to walk. Staggering here and there she finally had her clothes off except for a sexy red lace piece that barley covered her private of parts. Not saying it didn't look hot but I was still trying to keep in my laughter from watching her try and undress. Finally she crawled on top of me, and started to give me those little reminders when I heard something from the next room. It sounded like sobbing. I knew it was Brianne and that woke me up. I pushed Dee-Ann off me and tried to make my way off the bed. I couldn't so this. I didn't have feelings for this girl. I had feelings for Brianne, and being with her best friend just didn't feel right. I turned back to her and saw that she had passed out face first. Well that takes care of one problem. I listened carefully and could still hear quite crying. I silently made my way out of the bedroom and stood in front of Brie's door. I wanted to open it and go comfort her, I wanted to wipe her tears from her cheek and as her what was wrong. I wanted to be the one to to make it all better I wanted to be there with her. I tried the door handle and it was locked. Putting my head against her door I took a deep breath then sat down. If I couldn't be in there with her then I would stay outside her door all night. And that's where I feel asleep. Then all this shit this morning. It's not my fault she jumped to conclusions. Maybe she should have taken a fucking minute and asked me what had happened. Why should she care anyways. By the time I realized it I was back at the house, but I didn't want to go inside just yet. I didn't want to see her right now. I needed some more time. Instead I sat on the front steps and just watched the world go on around me. Dogs being walk, birds flying around, people going for jogs, kids walking to school, and lovers kissing goodbye as they leave for work. I wish I could have that. I wish that could be Brianne and me. "Morning young fella, it's a beautiful day isn't it?" I looked up and saw an elderly man in front of me smiling.

"Morning. And yes it is beautiful." I walk this way every morning just to see the wonders of the neighborhood. I used to walk with my wife Marie, God rest her soul, but the cancer took her many months ago."

"I'm sorry for your loss."

"Oh don't be we spent 60 years married we did, that is after I chased her since the day I met her. I was older then her see and she looked at me like a best friend but I loved her with everything I had and chased her since we were youngins, finally I caught her and never let go."

I sat there and though about what he was saying, as he spoke I pictured me and Brie as kids doing the same thing.

"Thats one thing to remember boy, if you love someone don't you ever give up chasing them because if you do you could lose out on 60 years of eternal love and happiness with that person."

"I think I understand. Thank you."

"No problem. Well you have a good day and remember don't stop chasing her." With that he started to walk away. I turned to look at the house behind me thinking hard about what the old man had just said. As I turned around to say something to him he was no where to be seen. I looked everywhere down both sides of the street and there was no sign of him. He had just disappeared. I knew what I had to do, I had to get her to realize how I felt. Even if she didn't feel the same way about me. With that I ran up the stairs and walked into the apartment. Looking around I noticed the guys were awake and clearly feeling last night. As I tried to walk towards Brianne's door, Dee-Ann walked out of the bathroom. "Pierre! Hey baby, you were gone when I woke up" She said moving towards me trying to put her arms around my neck. "Look Dee. Nothing happened last night. I'm not your baby. Never will be. I'm in love with someone else. You're a nice girl but there will never be anything between us, plus I just met you." I said pushing her off me. I was in a hurry, I needed to get to Brianne's room before the adrenalin rush was gone. I got to Brianne's door and pushed it open. She had her back to me as she sat at her desk. "Look I already said I don't want to talk to anyone, so just go David." "Brie?" She turned to look at me, shocked. She turned back to her computer, "Get out." I shut the door and walked towards where she sat. She turned to look at me, before she could speak my lips collided with hers.

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