I Can Wait Forever #14

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Chapter 14

“You and Pierre?”

I didn't answer as I didn't know how.

“Honestly Brie. First Jacob and now Pierre. Honestly you're just a fame whore. You can't leave anyone for anyone else can you. God you always do this! I hate you!” With that she walked back into the house and slammed the door.

“Umm what was that about?” Chuck asked.

“I honestly don't know.” I replied standing up, “But i'm for sure going to find out.”

I walked into the house and heard crashing from Dee-Ann's bedroom.

“Dee?” I said knocking on the door.

“I'm leaving. I'm moving out. I can't live here anymore, honestly I can't live with you anymore.”

“Are you serious! What the fuck Dee. All of this over Pierre. Nothing happened between you guys so why the fuck are you so upset! And why are you moving. If you break lease I get kicked out to! Why are you being a bitch!?”

“Oh well not my fault you're gonna have no where to live. I'm going back home. And yes over Pierre. I told you at the bar the other night that I liked him and you fucking told me to go for him. So what if nothing happened last night we were taking things slow! Fuck you Brianne. I never want to see you again. I thought you were my friend.”

“Listen here bitch!” I yelled. “I was drunk last night so I don't even remember telling you to go ahead and go for Pierre. And I thought you were my friend but obviously I was wrong you're nothing but a jealous cow!.”

I felt her hand slid across my face, dragging her nails.

All of a sudden it was like my vision went black as I threw myself at her and grabbed a hold of her hair.

“Don't you fucking touch me you bitch!” I yelled as I slapped her. We rolled around on the floor scrapping for what seemed like hours til I was lifted by my waist off of her by someone. I kept screaming as she lifted herself up off the floor and grabbed her bags.

“I'll get the rest of my shit later.” She said as she walked out the door. Finally the arm let me down and I turned to yell at the person that had stopped me from kicking the shit out of her and saw Pierre looking at me laughing.

“What?!” I yelled.

“You look so cute yelling cuss words.”

“Don't even start with me Bouvier.” I walked towards the bathroom to check the damage I could feel on my face.

My lip was cut and there were scratches across my cheeks. There would probably be a nice discolored eye in the morning but at the moment I was proud of the war wounds. My hair was a mess and I tried to fix it, however lifting my hands infront of me I could see the blood on my knuckles and could feel them throbbing.

“Let's get you some ice Champ.” Pierre said picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder.

He finally put me down on the counter and I could see the guys looking at me laughing.

“So want to tell us what that was all about?” Chuck asked.

“She's a dirty whore licking cow.” I growled threw the fat lip.

“Ewww she licks dirty whores. STDs anyone.” David winced.

The room erupted into laughter.

“Ow fuck!” I yelped as Pierre placed and ice bag on each of my hands.

“You just beat up your friend and your saying ouch to ice. Explain that one will ya.” he laughed.

 I gave him a grin then licked the blood off my lips.

 All around me the guys were talking about the fight but I could only think about the fact that with Dee moving out, she would be breaking the lease which would mean I would be out of a place to live. I couldn't afford to live on my own and I had no one who needed a place.

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