I Can Wait Forever #13

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Hey everyone i'm so so so so sorry for the lack of posting lately. With the kittens and trying to get set of college it has been pretty crazy around here. We foster cats and find them homes and two of the cats we've fostered gave birth so we have to take care of the kittens and such. I will be so glad whne we get them homes and not have to deal with it anymore to be honest. But enough of that here is another chapter of the story. I really do hope you all like it.

Chapter 13

All of a sudden I was hit with a rush of adrenilane as I ran towards my door swinging it open. I surveyed the living room only to see Chuck, Jeff, and the rest of our guests eyes searching my face. I ran towards the door not bothering to put shoes on. I made it to my front steps only to see Pierre off in the distant haling a cab. There were no rational thoughts in my head only that I had to catch him. The cab started to merge slowly into traffic as I ran towards it. Everything was a blur, I heard myself call his name over and over again. I knew the cab window was open. “PIERRE!” I yelled feeling the hurt in my voice. The cab stopped up ahead and the door opened. I kept running, gravel cutting into the pads of my feet.

I ran up to him as he looked at me like an escaped lunatic. Throwing my arms around my neck and my lips onto his I whispered, “I. Love. You.”

“What?” He asked pushing me away.

“You heard me Pierre Bouvier. I love you.”

He raised his hand to my cheek and moved a strand of hair from my eyes. “I've waited years to do that.”

“Hey kid are you getting in or not?” The cab driver yelled from the front seat.

Pierre looked from me to the waiting cab.

“Don't you dare leave. I can't lose you again.” I whispered.

Pierre leaned into the cab never letting go of my hand. Then shutting the door the cab drove off leaving us standing in each others arms on the sidewalk.

“Brie I promise I will never leave you again.” He said leaning down to kiss the top of my head.

My heart was soring and I knew things would finally be right.

We made our way back towards the house never letting go of each others hands.

“Brianne Lefebvre! What happened!” Sebastian said running from the house.

Chuck, Jeff, David, and Pat followed soon after.

“Are you ok?” Seb said taking my hand and pulling me towards him. I could see him staring at Pierre like a rat. Pierre who was like his brother was all of a sudden someone to be pissed at.

“I'm fine. Better then fine. I'm happy.”

“What is going on here?” Jeff asked.

“I finally accepted the truth.” Pierre replied.

“Good job buddy. I'm happy for you.”

Sebastian looked from me to Pierre with a puzzled look on his face. All foa sudden it was like a light bulb had went off.

“You and Pierre?” He said looking at me wierdly.

“I don't know Bastian. I really don't know. All I know is things are different now that's for sure. Please just be happy for me.”

“I am Brie. I'm glad to finally see a smile on your face.”

He then walked over to Pierre and leaned in so only he would hear.

“Pierre you're like a brother to me, but if you hurt her I will kill you.”

“I know Seb. I know.”

“Finally!!! Oh my god I was wondering when you guys would finally hook up!” David yelled throwing his arms around me and picking me up.

“Ugh David I need to breath!”

“Opps sorry” He giggled.

Pierre took my hand and we sat on the step. I laid my head on his lap as the seven of us sat and talked. We were deep in conversation when I heard the door open behind us.

“What the hell is this?”

“Dee?” I said sitting up.

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