I Can Wait Forever #8

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We walked out of my room laughing to each other. We stopped dead in our tracks and burst out laughing again. The looks on the guys face was priceless.

"I was expecting some cuts and bruises, not laughing." Chuck said.

"No way, we're cool now."

"Well that's good, cause I really didn't want to drive your brother to the hospital."

"Hey who says I would have had to go. I could have so easily beat her down." Seb said acting offended.

"Ya but if you did that, we'd beat you and you'd still have to got to the hospital." Pierre said looking a wee bit serious.

"Thanks guys, at least I know someone cares" I grinned.

"Ok so now that we're all friends and stuff again, what are we doing tonight?" David asked from his lying position on the floor.

"Well we do have to meet Jacob and the boys at the bar." Chuck replied looking at Seb.

"Oh great, so you come apologize, then just up and leave again?" I sneered with a hint of sarcasm.

"Aw don't get like that you know we were going to ask you and your friend to come with us."

"Ya Ya, and apparently you dumb asses don't know sarcasm when you hear it."

"Oh ops thought you were serious."

"Loser. So..." I turned to Jeff, "Who's Jacob?"

"Um you know just one of the guys from a band we played with. Don't know if you know them, Hedley?"

"Oh my god! HEDLEY!" Dee squealed.

I stood looking at my roommate as she had a slight fit. She reacted publicly what I was feeling inside.

"Brie, you look a little dumb founded."

There was a slight pause when all of a sudden, "Brie loves Jacob! She has been secretly planning their wedding for months."

"DEE! Thanks a lot bitch. Way to make me feel like a loser," I blushed.

"Well then come with us and meet your future husband."

"Okay! Let me get dressed," I yelled as I slammed the door to my room. I knew exactly what I was going to wear. I threw open my closet and started throwing things out as I searched for my outfit. "Perfect," I whispered when I had finally found it.

Thirty minutes later I made my way back out to the living room.

"Oh hell no. Brianne Lefebvre put some clothes on!"

"Seb shut up. These are clothes, their just not as much as I usually wear in public. Ha ha." I walked over to the mirror hanging by the front door and checked out my outfit, making sure it was perfect. The jeans I wore hugged my butt enough to show that I did indeed have an ass. Showing a bit of mid-drift and plenty of back, my black halter top tied around my neck and v-ed down the front. Tying around the waist it left the back bare for the world to see.

"Ah Dee I need shoes!" I realized as I bent down to fix the leg of my jeans.

"No worries I have the perfect heels," she winked.

Within second of her departing she was back carrying a pair of open toed stilettos.

"Oh my god! I love them."

"I knew you would"

I continued to strut in front of the mirror along with Dee-Ann when all of a sudden someone coughed impatiently behind us.

"Can we go now please?" Pierre asked. I noticed at once his eyes would not meet mine. He seemed to fidget, hand shoved deep into his pockets when he did raise his eyes to look at me, not in the eyes but at my outfit.

~Weird~ I thought to myself quickly before I shrugged off the thought, grabbed my purse and headed out the door.

I was super excited. I had never met any famous bands before, (Simple Plan didn't count),

so I was really nervous. The group of us got outside to the parking lot and decided that we would call cabs to bring us to the club. It had been decided earlier that everyone would come back to mine and Dee's place for the night. What was the point of paying for a hotel rooms when they could stay there for free.

By the time we got to the club it was packed and the line was huge. Lucky for us the guys had VIP status and got in right away.

We were directed towards a lounging area, the guys from Hedley were seated around a huge glass table, drinking and laughing.

"Pierre! Seb, Chuck, Jeff, and David! Finally, what took you guys so long?" Jacob said jumping up and hugging each of the guys.

"Sorry we had a little family business to deal with before we could go anywhere." Pierre replied looking at me.

On the outside I was quietly smiling, however on the inside my heart was thudding rapidly against my chest, and my brain was screaming random excitement. Jacob Hoggart was standing right in front of me and I was having a major freak out inside my head.

"Jake, this is my sister, Brianne, and her friend Dee-Ann." Seb shouted over the music.

"Well, well, a sister Seb? Wish you would have told me about this beautiful young lady before." he replied kissing my hand. I could feel my cheeks go a whole new shade of red.

"Hi I'm Jacob."

"I'm Brianne, but everyone calls me Brie."

"Well hello Brie, would you and your friend like to join us for a drink?"

"Yes thank you."

"Alright! Let's get this party started!" Jacob yelled over the screaming of the club. He held my hand tightly and walked me to the table.

"Hey ass wipes, this is Brie and Dee-Ann. Brie is Sebastian's sister believe it or not."

After some introductions, drinks were served and the night began. After a few minutes of talking me and Dee ran to the dance floor.

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