I Can Wait Forever #6

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Thank you to everyone who has read this story. I am going to post a few more chapters of this today as I will be gone for a few days and want to leave you all with a few chapters to read:) Also I love reading stories of all kinds so if you have written something and would like me to read it please let me know as I would be happy to read and vote:):) 


Chapter 6

"Oh my gawd! Why is she being like this?" Seb yelled as he threw his things onto the bus.

"Seb. Think about it. How would you feel if you were her?" David replied frustrated. "We screwed her over guy, we promised to be at her graduation, but no we missed it."

"I called and tried to talk to her and say I was sorry but she wasn't home. My parents told me they would let her know."

"Ya the same parents that didn't even go to her grad. The same parents who when you called a few weeks later told you all about how 'beautiful she looked in her gown. Yet they wouldn't have known because they flew to Florida the day before her graduation."


"Ya Seb, they didn't even go. Your sister was valedictorian and they weren't even there to see it."

Seb became silent. All he could think about was how his parents had lied to him.

Outside Pierre was sitting on a bench looking a picture in his hand. It was the day at the beach so long ago.


I sat on the bench looking at the picture. She had changed so much since that summer. She wasn't the chubby, four eyed, brace face little sister of my best friend. Now she was grown up. She wasn't a little girl she was woman. A woman that was sure in hell pissed off at us all.

"Pierre what are you doing?"

I looked up and saw Jeff standing in front of me.

"Oh nothing just chilling."

"Ya right. You were thinking about Brie, weren't you?"

"What are you talking about?" I replied quickly, putting the picture back in my wallet. Jeff sat down and stared at me.

"You're totally lying."

"Ok so what if I am. Ya I was thinking about her. Thinking about how before we started going on huge tours, we used to be nice guys who kept our promises. Like come on if it had been say six years ago, and we had made a promise to her, we would have done everything to keep it."

"Ya we screwed up, but we got busy."

"That's the point we should never have been to busy for her, she was like our sister. She was just.. she was Brie."

"I forgot how close you guys were."

"Man whenever she couldn't talk to Seb, I was the one she would come talk to. Now she won't even look at me."

"Ya honestly that was a huge shock. I thought of all people she would have been glad to see you."

Just then David walked up.

"Guys we need to find her. This can't go on any longer. Plus we all know Seb is gonna be a real bitch for the next couple of weeks."

"David we don't know where she lives." Jeff said.

"Who says we don't. Remember she's not mad at me anymore. I have her address and phone number."

"Then what are we waiting for! Let's get going." I said jumping up from my seat.

We walked towards the bus where Seb and Chuck were standing talking.

"... don't let it end like this." Chuck was heard saying.

"No she wants to act like that then let her. She's being a baby, forget her."

"Seb! That's what caused this in the first place!" Chuck snapped.

"We all saw her man. She was crying. She is hurting and we all know that. You know it for god sakes."

"Can we just drop it? It's over now. She wants nothing to do with us, especially me."

"She likes me." David said under his breath. I looked at him and shook my head.

Pierre- "Look Seb, you need to talk to her, you need to let her tell you why she's mad. You can't deny she has a right to be upset."

Seb thought for a moment then replied, "Ya so what if she does, I'm still her brother. Her own blood. Plus I don't even know where she lives or anything."

"Well this is where David actually comes in handy." Jeff laughed.

David- "Hey!"

"David has her number and address. So it's now or never." I said.

"Come on Seb, you know you want your sister back"

"Fine" he whispered.

Inside I was jumping with excitement about going to see Brie, and I didn't know why. We grabbed the rest of our stuff, told the other bands we'd meet them at the bar. Then we started on our way to Brianne's house.

"Here goes nothing." Seb was heard saying to himself.

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