Chapter 3: Get caught

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She comes in, Street moves forward to her so she does the same, he takes her neck and start kissing her like he never did before, she puts her hands on his waist and brings him against her body.

She takes one minute break and says

« You know we can't to this here, right ? Even if I really want to »

He looks at her, does a lil smile and sits down on the table, 

she looks at him and does the same

They start talking

Street: « So, when are you leaving me again »

Chris: « I go back to Germany next Friday »

« oh so we got some times to spend together » he replies

Chris: « maybe more than we think if Luca has a new girlfriend »😂 looking through the window

Street turns around and see Luca dancing and laughing with a girl on the dance floor, probably bonnie's friend.

They look at each other and laughs

Street: « lucky we are, if he has a girlfriend, he's not gonna pay attention to us »

« I hope so, because if someone knows for our relationship, my carrer is over »

He stares at her, knowing dangerous this relationship is...

Someone comes in...

« Hey did you see Victoria's teddy, we can't find it ? » asks Deacon

« What are you doing here by the way ? »

Street: « Oh..we were..we were talking »

« Oh okay, so did you see it ? » he replies

« No sorry » answers Street

Chris looks down, to hide how uncomfortable she is

« Okay, you should come, I think Luca met someone, she looks nice, everyone is dancing out there » said Deacon

« Yeah we are coming » Street replies

They arrive at outside when Luca ask them to come

« Hey guys, come on, let's dance, we have to celebrate this damn wedding »

« Well, I don't know If I could move a lot, I still have a bandage » Said street

A romantic song is played,

« You don't really have to move on this » Tan said laughing

« Do it with Chris, it's just for fun »

Chris and Street look at each other

« Okay but just one » Street said lil bit embarrassed

He puts his hands on her waist, he can feels her shapes. She puts her arms around his shoulders and they start dancing for 3 minutes.

He tries to look at her but when she sees his look she puts her head back on his chest, it's too hard to starring at him so close and cannot kissing him.

When the song ended, Deacon and Annie tell to everyone, they are leaving and thanks Tan and Bonnie for the party

Annie: « Hey everyone, we're leaving, the girls are tired. Thank you Tan and Bonnie for tonight, it's was amazing, you deserve the world 😘 »

Chris to Street: « I think I'm going to leave too, jet lag killed me, I need to sleep. 

Can you drive me home, I think Luca doesn't really want to leave yet ? »

« Yes of course » He answers

Chris to everyone: « Hey I'm leaving too.. »

« Do you want me to drive you home » asks Luca

« No, Street'll drive me, okay, I think your night is not ended » she answers

« Oh okay, thanks man » Luca said to Street 

Street looks at Luca and nod

Chris to Bonnie and Tan:« Thanks to both of you for the party, you're too beautiful together. »

Chris and Street hug them and go to the exit

They get onto the motorcycle, thinking about an old memory... and drive 30 minutes to Chris's place.

They get off the motorcycle, and kiss again, she looks at him and said

« You know, you can go upstairs if you want, I'm not so tired and we have time before Luca comes home and try to find you » with a seductive voice

He looks at her, smiles and follow her to her apartment...

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