Chapter 32: You're the most beautiful thing that happened in my life

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Chris is in the front, she slowly walks to the final stairs when she sees a boy on the ground, he looks to be hit in the leg

Street says " I go, you stay here, cover me"

"No I can do it Street, you don't need to protect me" She replies

Street rolls his eyes, she has a higher rank than him so

"Okay go, I got you back" He says

Street stands against the wall when Chris go helps the boy

"Hey, hey stay with me, what's your name ." She asks him

"Tim" He says suffering

"you're gonna be alright, Tim, Okay" She replies

She tries to stop the bleeding when everything happens very fast:

A guy comes from the back of the corridor, Street stands up to cover Chris and the boy but the guy keeps shooting, Chris stands up too. A bullet hit someone, Chris see the shooter falling down, when she hears

"Chris,...Chris" Street is whispering

She looks at him and see him on the floor

"Oh no, oh no no no, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god" She says shaking, she takes off his bullet proof vest and she sees that the bullet came in his stomach by the right side

"24 David to command: 26 David is down, I repeat, 26 David's down, I need a medic now" She says to hicks

"Where are you, I'm sending you fowler" Hick says

"I'm in the second floor, left side, I got another boy injured but he's stable..." Chris says

When Street starts closing his eyes

"Hey Street, no no no, you have to stay awake remember" She says squeezing his hand as much as possible

"I...I love you" He says

"No stop stop please, It's not ending, it can't be the ending, not like that" She says crying

"You're the most beautiful thing that happened in my life, I can't do it without you, I can't" She keeps saying

"You will" He whispers

She can see the pain in his eyes

"I know I dont tell you enough, but I love you, I love all of you, when you make terrible jokes, when you let the bathroom's door open, I love you for all of this" She says

"Kiss me" He says with a tear falling down on his face

She looks at him crying, she knows exactly when he is thinking

She moves her head to say no with the eyes full of tears

"Kiss me please" He asks crying

She finally do it, she takes his checks and kiss him

When Nora comes, she looks at her

"Hey, Chris for how long is he unconscious ?" She asks

Chris looks at Street, not awake anymore

Nora sits next to him and push Chris to the left side a bit

"I...I don't know, he was just awake" She says shaking

"Okay we need to getting him out of here asap" Nora says

The paramedics puts him on the stretcher and they leave the building while Chris is still squeezing his head

They're in front of the truck when Hicks yells

"Alonso !"

She dry her tears and turns around

He comes closer to her

I know it's not the right moment but you have t tell what happened for the report" He says

She looks at Nora who's in the truck

"I'll do everything I can, Chris, I promise" She says

She exhales and looks at the truck leaving the parking lot

Hondo comes to her, she hugs him and starts crying again

"He will be okay, Chris he will be okay" He tells her

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2022 ⏰

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