Chapter 24: like kids

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Chris and Street are both fall asleep NAKED in Street's bed


The doors slaps

Chris wakes up

« Oh my god it's Luca » She says

« Street ? » She says

« Hey, Street wake up ! » She says trying to wake him up

He slowly open his eyes

« What » He says blinded by the daylight

« Luca's here » She says, whispering

« Holy Sh** Chris ???? » Luca says walking past the door (because of course they left it open thinking they were alone)

« Luca wha...what are you doing here ? » Street asks

« I...I forgot my phone charger on my bed » He replies completely shocked by what he just saw

«I...I'm sorry my plane is in 20 minutes I have to go very quickly...but...but have a great day » He says laughing literally embarrassed.

Street and Chris look at each other

And start laughing like kids

« I feel like I just get caught by my uncle, I can't look at him the same now » Chris says laughing

« Oh nooo » Street says laughing too

« Well now we should wake up right ? » He says

« Yeah we should, are you hungry ? » She asks

« Yess as hell » He answers

« Okay, stay right here, I'll be back in a minute » She says

She takes her cheeky and takes his shirt and put it on her body which is not long enough to hide her butt

He stares at her while she's leaving the room to the kitchen

10 minutes later

She's back with eggs and orange juice on a tray

« Woawww » He says

« You know you don't have to always overreacting » She says smiling

« I know but I like it » He says taking an oranges juice glass

She sits down on the bed and start eating too

« For someone who hate romantic stuff, you're very good at it » He says smiling at her

« Me, romantic ?? No I just see a sick man so I thought he could needs some helps to do some stuff » She says joking

« Ohhh so this is the reason you're so kind » He says playing with her too

« Yess this is it » She answers laughing 

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