Chapter 18: The beers

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When the team arrives at the bar

Everyone sits at the table

The waiter put the beers on the table

« So... cheers to Street's recovery » Hondo says

« Yeah and for both of you.. » Tan says looking at Chris

She smiles

« Cheers » the team says

« So, how are you gonna deal with the job when Street will be back for duty ? » Deacon asks to Chris

« Well, we don't...really know by this time... » She says putting her beer back on the table

« Is one of you ready to switch of team ? » He replies

Tan looks at Hondo worries about all the Deacon's questions

« Hmm...he told me...he...he could do it but I..don't..think it's a great idea » She answers

Deacon looks at her, don't knowing what she wants to say

« I can't let him destroy his carrer I know how much this team means to him...» She replies

« But you know you cannot be together and work in the same team » He replies

There's a silence for 5 seconds when Hondo says

« Well...we have some times to think about it, right ?. Hicks knows nothing about this and Street is off duty for a while.. »

« Yeah you're right » Tan says

All the conversation seems awkward then...

« Do you know if we have to go back in Germany or if TLI is over for us ? » Luca asks to Hondo

« Hmmm, I don't know yet, but you'll probably can go back there, I just have to talk about it with hicks, to be sure » He answers

Chris puts her head down

Chris goes back to the hospital after the little "party " with the team

She comes in Street's bedroom while is still sleeping

She sits on the bed

Taking his hand

She looks at him for a while

And he slowly tries to open his eyes

« Hey » She says smiling at him

« Am I dreaming or this gorgeous woman is really in front of me ? » He says still trying to open his eyes

She laughs

« Well if you want I can pinch you... » She says trying to pinch his arm

« necessary » He says trying to get out his arm

« Are you sure ? » She asks

« Yeah, I am. You're real, I know it » He replies

« Stop doing this... » She says smiling

« Doing what ?.... » He asks

« The romantic guy.. » She answers

« Well...can you let appreciate this moment I've waited for so long just a minute ? » He asks laughing

She smiles

« Okay so just a minute » She says kissing him

When someones comes in the room


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