Chapter 15: Hmm...Akward

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Chris arrives at the Hospital

She comes in front Street's bedroom door

She comes in and see the whole team around Street's bed

« Ho... » She says with a surprise voice and a tired face

« Hey » say Luca and Tan

« I didn't expect to see all of you here » She says

« Well, we all are in vacation so we have time to come see how Street is » Deacon says

She nods and closes the door

« So when you'll be able to get back on the field ? » Tan says kicking him on the legs

« Are you okay » Deacon asks in the ears of Chris while Tan is talking to Street

« Yeah, just tired » She replies

« Well...hmm I don't know, the doctor just said the recovery will be long so I don't know yet when I'll be back » Street responds

« And we'll be here during your recovery, okay ? » Luca says

« Thanks guys » Street replies

Street looks at Chris

Someone comes in the bedroom

« Hi everyone » the doctor says

« Hi » they responds

« I'm sorry I need to talk to Mr Street, only the family can be here, I'm sorry I know it's stupid but I need all of you to leave the bedroom except Chris » The doctor says

Chris looks at Street with BIGG eyes, don't knowing what to say

« We were about to leave anyway, he probably need some rest » Hondo says

She puts her head down while everyone is leaving the room

Tan goes behind Chris and says

« We really need to talk » in her ears, smiling

She looks at him and says nothing

They leave the room

« So, how do you feel ? » The doctor asks

« I feel great » Street responds

« Okay so the surgery went well but the nurse probably told you already, I'm just here to tell you how the next couples months will be. The recovery will be long, probably longer than the first one be cause we operated very close to your heart, you're cop, of SWAT so I'm gonna be honest, you'll not be clear for duty right now, you'll need times to get back at your physical condition. » The doctor says

Chris comes closer to the bed and sits on Street's bed

« What do you mean, I'll be not on field for the year's end ? » Street asks

« Probably » The doctor says

Chris holds Street's hand

« I'm sorry » The doc says

Street stares into space

The doctor leaves the room

Chris turns around and looks at Street

They look at each other

« I...I'm sorry, I don't even know what to say.. » Chris says

« Hey, it's okay, not you fault » He replies

They look at each other for a second

« Did you read the letters ? » He asks

« I did » She says smiling like a kid

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