Chapter 7: Almost

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He arrives at Hondo's place

he knocks on the door, Hondo open the door

« Hey what's up man, come in »

He sits at the table and they have a beer

« So what do you wanted to tell me » Hondo asks

« I probably shouldn't talk about this to you..but...I need to know what you think, you're at SWAT for years now, you probably know the right thing to do,

I don't...I don't really know how to tell you but..hmm..I did something that could ruin my career..and... »

« What ?, is it your mom again, it's not enough to give your liver, what did you... » Hondo replies

« No, no..It's Chris..It's Chris okay...» Street says

« Chris ? » Hondo asks

« We...we »

Hondo stares at him, realizing that he don't have to say more, he totally understands what he's saying

« Oh my god, you two are... »

« I know you'll say it's wrong, we shouldn't, there're rules, we can't do th... »

« No hey, Street, you don't get it, I'm not going to blame you, okay?

« No ? » Street asks

« You know, broke the rules and go to press has been the best thing I never did in my life. And...hmm...I can't blame you because I did the same, years ago, I...I broke the rules for a relationship » Hondo says

« What ? » Street asks

« Yeah I did, and...when she left, I so regretted not having experienced what I should have experienced with her. You know kid, I love this job and I always bring my career to the forefront, but look at me,

I'm in my 50's and I never got married, never had kids besides Darryl. Now I'm not a leader anymore and ly carrer is probably over.

If this thing with Chris is real, witch I'm sure it is because I know her and if she let you, a cop, of her team, come in her life it's cause she thinks it's worth it. » Hondo said

« Yeah it is, I...I never been more sure about something in my life

I think she...could be the one and.. I don't want to let her go just because of SWAT rules. » Street responds

« So what you two want to do because you know it's almost impossible to be in a relationship and in the same team ? » Hondo ask

« I know this is why I'm here » Street responds

« I'm not sure to get all of what you're saying » Hondo replies

« I wanna leave the team »

« Let me guess, and Chris don't want you to do that ? » Hondo asks

« Yes she don't » Street answers

« You know, she did everything for you to get back in this team, she probably feels guilty to let you do that. And... she always said, she'd never date a cop because she doesn't want to be the « easy girl », she knows what people will think »

« Do you want to leave because you don't wanna break the rules or because you don't wanna hide your relationship ? » Hondo asks

« Honestly, Both because I can't stop thinking about if someone find out and tell to Hicks, she will lose her career, I know it, and I can't live under this pressure » Street answers

« So you know why she doesn't want you to that,.. she feels the same » Hondo replies

« So what should I do ? »

« Talk to her, if you do something that she was not agree with, you're gonna lose her trust, take your times okayy, by this time, everything can wait, I don't even know, if I will be in the team in September or if Deac will be the 20 David. » Hondo said

« Okay thank you Hondo for your advice, you're probably right, I should talk to her. »

Street gets up and says

« Can you keep this for you, no one knows and it's probably better like that » with an hesitant voice

« Don't worry kid, I'll say anything to anyone, trust me » Hondo replies

« Thanks » He said

he goes to the door and leaves

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