Chapter 11: You

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Hondo, Luca, Deacon and Tan look at each other

« I got it » Hondo says, raising up and leaving to the outside

« Hey Chris, you okay ? » Hondo says

She looks at him while he's sitting next of her

« I know for you...and Street, you know you can't tell me everything, right ? » Hondo says

« I..I..just can't stop thinking about our...our last talk yesterday. I...I was so mad at him that he talked to you about us.. » Chris replies

« Hey, you know nothing is your fault Chris » He says hugging her

« Yeah ...I..I know, but I feel so Talked to him like I did.

"If he never wake up, the last thing I told him is that we got too faster, but I...I don't meant it » She says

« But he's gonna wake up, trust me » He replies

« But what if he doesn't, I could never tell him that I love him too, I couldn't handle this. I can't lose him Hondo, I can't... » She says crying

« Hey,, Chris, you will tell him, okay ! » Hondo replies

« Now you need to be strong, he needs you, okay..So you are gonna wipe this tears and go there to be here for him,

come on ! » He replies

Chris comes in Street's bedroom, see him on his bed, intubate. She quickly sits on the chair next of the bed, she takes his hand ans start crying again.

« Please, you can't do this to me right now, I need you, come back to me » She says crying on his hand

Someone comes in the room

« Hey » She says wiping her tears

« Hi, I'm Mr Street's doctor,

are you from his family ? »

« Yeah, I...I'm his girlfriend » Chris says

« Oh okay, So hmm, I've some news » Doctor says

« The infection has not grown and that's good news. So tomorrow's surgery will be easier and safer for him. His liver is safe now, but we have to be careful with his heart »

« So can he...can he still die ? » She asks

« Hmm, He shouldn't but I can't promise no risk » The doctor says

« Okay thank you doc » Chris says

« You're welcome, can I ask you your name ? » Doctor says

« Chris...Chris Alonso » She says

« Okay thank you, have a good night » Doctor says

« Thanks » She says

Chris come back to the waiting room with the team

« The doctor said, infection has not grown but it's not safe yet » Chris says to the team

« Well so, that's good news, you should rest Chris, my home is always open, if you want ? » Hondo asks

« No, thank you Hondo, but I'll stay here for the night, I wanna be here when he'll wake up tomorrow » She says

« Are you sure ? » Hondo asks again

« Yeah, yeah, I need to stay not far away from him, I need it » Chris says

« Okay, text me when he'll wake up » Hondo says hugging her

« Yeah, promise, thank you guys » She says hugging everyone

In front of the Hospital

Tan talk to Luca just before leaving the hospital

« Hey, is that me or Chris act very weird about all this surgery, I know it's dangerous but she said nothing for the transplantation and now she looks like very affected by this one » Tan asks

« Well, you know after Erica died I think, she's scared to lose another friend » Luca says

« Yeah or they're more than friends and we missed something... » Tan says

« Hey, we shouldn't talk about this, that's not our business » Deacon says

« Hey probably,

Good night guys » Tan says and get into his car

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