Chapter 13: Wake up

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« Should I ?, I mean , I would like to never read it, or it would means, you're not here anymore » Chris says

« Yeah but you know when I write... when I begun in S.W.A.T, four years ago ? » He says

« Yeah... » She answers don't knowing what he wants to say

« That was because Deac gives his to Annies after she almost died,

Sometimes, the're some things I would like to tell you but I can't, it's not when I'll dead that this words will be important. You have to know it now, I want to tell you» He says

« So you want me to read it ? » She asks w/ a hesitant voice

« Yes, I wrote it 4 years ago, but I still mean it and I'll always mean it. You need to know, that my are feelings are never gonna change, I know it since we first met » He says

She stares at him, don't knowing what to respond

« So you'll have to write another one » She says smiling

« Oh that's not a problem, I'm creative » He says smiling at her too

« I have to text Hondo, the team wanted to be here when you'll wake up » She says

« Do they know ? » He asks while she is texting Hondo

She looks at him

« Well, I don't... know, I didn't tell them but maybe, it was obvious seeing how bad I was yesterday » She says

« Oh..I would like to know how bad you were... » He says, with a little smile

« Don't enjoy too much me being sad for you » She says, smiles and Kiss him

« I really have to text him, you know » She says in his lips

He opens his eyes, and roll his eyes

She smiles and text Hondo

The nurse comes in

« Hey.. » The nurses says

« Hii » They both says

« I'm just gonna if everything is okay » The nurse says

« You want me to leave, maybe ? » Chris says

« No, you can stay, it's alright » The nurse says smiling at Chris

« So...How do you feel, tired, sick, some chest pain ? »

« Hmm, not really, I feel something in my chest but feel good » Street replies

« Well, that's probably the bandage with hurts but it's gonna pass in some days » The nurse replies seeing on his eyes with a little light

« Do you feel you heart beat faster » The nurse says

« Hmm yes but that's not because of the surgery » He looks at Chris smiling

Chris rolls her eyes

The nurse laughs too

« Well it's seem like everything is fine, the doctor will probably coming back in few hours for another checkup » The nurse says

She leaves the bedroom

« You're a kid Jim Street » Chris says laughing

« That's why you love me » He says

They laughs

Someones comes in the room

« Hey what's kid » Hondo says

Chris removes her hand from Street's

« Heyyy » Street says

« I did faster as I can, you okay ? » Hondo asks

« Yeah I'm good, ready to be back on field » Street says

« Probably not right now, but good to know you, you're ready » Hondo replies

« Well, that's not that your conversation is not interesting but I need a shower right now, I'm gonna back home if you stay here with him » Chris says

« You know I can stay alone, Chris » Street says

« Yes » She says smiling

Street smiles and roll his eyes

« I'll be back soon » She says opening the door

« Don't forget to go to HQ » Street says

« Hmm, why.... » She says don't knowing what he's talking about

« have something to take » He says

She smiles and leave 

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