Chapter 23: « I get it »

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[Read again last chapter, you'll be more in the mood to read this one I think ]

Enjoy ;)

Street: « What if I told you I want you now ? »

« right now, you feel enough okay for this ? » Chris says

« I never felt more okay right now » he replies

He took her in his arms

She puts her legs on his waist

He brings her against the wall just next of the door

And he kiss her passionately, putting his tongue in her mouth a thousand times

« It reminds me something »[ read chapter 8 again too ] She says

« Oh my god, and it's getting better » He says

He brings her in his bed room

Put her on the bed and start taking off her pants when she says

« No I get it » Smiling

She puts HIM on the bed, raises up and starts taking of her t-shirt

While Street is staring at her

« Did I ever told you how sexy you are ? » He says teasing her

« Shut up » She says smiling, she lies down on him again and

She takes off his shirt, kissing him

And starts opening his jeans

She does what she have to do...

And starts kissing him again

When he takes her neck and turns her to brings her under him

He takes off her jeans, kissing the top of her thighs,

He takes off her panties

Go back at her mouth and takes off her bra, kissing her breasts

He does what he have to do...


« Ouff » Street says going back to his bed's side

« Are you sure you jut got a surgery few days ago, be cause damn you were resistant » She replies

« I don't know it's like the pain disappeared » He says laughing

He turns around ans looks at her

So she turns around on her pillow and stares at him

« What ? » Street says

« No no nothing » Chris says

« Christina... I know you » He says teasing her

« I just...I just can't realize you're here...I mean...I don't know what I would did if...If you... » She says

« I will never leave you, do you ear me ?? Never » He says taking her neck and kissing her

She puts her head on his chest

With her hand on his abs

« So what, we're gonna stay in bed the whole day ? » He says

« Yeahhh » She answers smiling 

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