Chapter 14: The letter(s) ?

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Chris is in HQ

She comes in the locker room, open Street's locker and find a envelop with Chris wrote on it.

She sits on the bench in front of his locker and open it

She sees 4 letters

The first one is dated of January 2018

She open the letter and start reading it

[ Hi Chris, you told me to address this letter to you so I'm doing it but I hope you'll never have to read it because we know what that would means.

First of all I wanted to tell you how much you impress me, for doing your job like you do and how you handle the pressure of the other cops just because you're a woman, I probably never met someone as much hard worker as you.

You also need to hear that you're probably the best friend I never had.]

The second one is dated on may 2019

She opens it and start reading it

[Well I hope you'll never read this one because I don't want to hurt you but you have to know what I feel.

No one has done what you've done for me, I wouldn't be in SWAT anymore without you, so thank you.

I know it now, I have feelings for you, probably since the first time we met but I tried to ignore it because I respect you and I know you don't want to dates cops. ]

A tears goes down on Chris cheek when read this

[You need to hear it, that kiss, I wanted it and it would probably gone further if you didn't leave.]

Chris smiles

[ I know you feel the same, you just don't want to complicate our « friendship ».

If Ty and Kyra are what you really want, I respect it but me, I want you and not just as a friend, there's love between us and you know it, something we never felt before, a connection we can't explain.]

Chris literally cries reading this

She takes a deep breath and start reading the letter dated on January 2020

[I'm sorry. I'm sorry because I know it now, I hurt you, I should told you that I was undercover, I should told you that all of this was fake.

You worked so hard to get me back at SWAT, I screwed everything up and I'm sorry for that but I don't wanted to tell Molly about this and what kind of boyfriend says something like this to another person than his girlfriend. Maybe the kinda who can't stop thinking about you even when I'm with Molly. Forgive me for everything I fucked up.]

Chris puts her head in her hands

She never thought, he regretted so much to lied to her and knowing he was with Molly but the only one he was thinking about was her, make her mad at her for not confessed her feelings sooner

She finally sees the last letter, maybe the most emotional because it's date on February 2021 so just after he confessed his feelings and break up with Molly

She opens it and read it

[Chris, four years ago, I wrote you a letter because you ask me to do it and because I had no-one to addressed it and now, I can't address this one to someone else than you.]

Chris takes a deep deep breath and she feels her heart beat faster

[ Yesterday, I told you that I can't lose you or I wouldn't recover, that's right, losing Nate was hard but you, no.... Without you I'll be nowhere, you helped me to get back at SWAT, you made me grow up when you asked me to do some important choices in my life, just working with you everyday made me grow up, you inspire me, by your mental strength, your bravery and you loyalty.]

Chris try to wipe her tears but she can't stop crying

[I know you said our situation is impossible, it is because of the rules but we both know the love is here and now I love you so much that thinking I could lose you someday scares me. ]

She stares at this lines and read it again

[I would give you my life if I could do it]

She puts her face in her hands again, trying to cry silently.

[and if you are reading this is probably because I'm not here anymore, I just wanna you to know I love you and I always did Christina Alonso.]

She sees a tears going down on the letter so she puts the letters back in the envelop and takes one minute to wipe her tears in the locker room.

She leaves the HQ and come back to her car 

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