Chapter 27: Back

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On Monday's morning

Chris is brushing her tooth in the bathroom

« You should go first, I'll come in like 10 minutes, It's better if we don't come together, right ? » She says

She spits in the sink

« Okay I should go now then » He says putting on his shoes

He raises up

Kiss her putting his hand on her waist and says

« See you later » He says

« See ya » She says


Street arrives at HQ parking lot

He sees Hondo getting out of his car

« Hey man, it's good to see you back » Hondo says

« It feels good to be back yeah » Street replies

« Is Chris not here ? » Hondo asks

« No...hmm...we thought it was better to not come together » He answers

« Yeah I get it, did you talked again about the team and your relationship? » Hondo asks

« Honestly, I don't know how to tell her, she seems so happy that I'm back, I don't wanna ruin everything. It's going so well between us since last my surgery » Street answers

« Yeah I know kid, well you probably know what's best for both of you » Hondo says

They come in HQ

And see Tan getting some weights

« Hey Street, come on here » Tan says

They hug each other

Tan hits Street's shoulder

Street smiles

« So you're back again ? » Tan says

« Yeah I'm back » Street answers

Luca and Deacon comes in the halfway

« Hey guys, what's up ? » Luca says

« Street !!! » They hug him

« So here we are the team is Finally...

But where is Chris ? » Luca says

« Did I heard my name » Chris says comes in too

« How are y'all guys ? » She says looking at Street discretely

« Well now I can say it it's nice to see the entire team back again » Luca says

« Yeah it is » Tan says when Hicks comes in from his office

« We got an emergency in south LA, apparently a woman takes his kids in hostage in... oh Street, glad to see you back » He says

« Glad to see you too commander » Street replies

« Well hope you're ready because you start again now » Hicks says

« Is there any teams already there ? » Deacon asks

« Nope, you're the first one » Hicks answers

« Okay we're on it, let's go » Deacon says

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