Chapter 25: morning !

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2 weeks Later

They're both asleep in Chris's bed

Chris wakes up

« Oh gosh » Chris says looking at her phone

[It's 7:40am]

She gets out of the bed quickly, almost naked

Street wakes up be cause of the noise she's doing

« I have to go, I'm late to work » She says putting her yesterday's jean she found next of the bed

She leans on the bed to kiss him

« No...stay to bed with me today.....pleaasseee » He begins her taking her waist under him on the bed

« I'd love to...but you know I can't » She says kissing him softly one last time before raising up and take a T-shirt

« Would you be kind and go buy peppers at the grocery please ?

I'l try to be back at 12 » She says wearing her shoes

She kiss him

« Bye » He says

« Bye » She replies

She goes to the living room

Takes her keys

Opens the door

And says

« Love u »

« Love u too » He answers

She slaps the door

Street takes her pillow around his arms to smell her taste and try to fall asleep again on her side 

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