...The Beginning...

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It was almost time to go inside and I watched as Isabella and Leslie played tag. With an my usual cold eyes, I turned to go inside. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

Isabella: Come on Y/N lets play with the little time we have.

My face lit up and I gave her a gentle smile.
I took her hand that she was holding out to me and followed her. I felt Leslie's glare as I glared back at him and smirked. He knew what I was thinking.

As I looked back on those memories, I remembered how much fun those times were.

I recalled a memory from where it all started. The reason why I'm alive and staying in some cell.


Mom: All right everyone say congratulations and goodbye to Y/N. He/She is gonna be getting adopted.
Y/N: I'm still in shock that out of everyone they chose me.

I said with a cold expression.
Mom: Well Y/N, you are a great kid after all.
Y/N:  I'm grateful.

I looked towards Isabella to find a worried expression on her face. I tilted my head and regrouped to Isabella and Leslie, who was standing next to her.

Y/N: You're so worried Isabella. Why? I'm only getting adopted.
Isabella: Oh um..I'm just very sad that you're leaving. That's all.
Leslie: Ya we're really gonna miss you Y/N.

I put my hand in the back of my neck and tilted my head.

Mom: Y/N are you ready to go?
Y/N: Ya.

I gave them both a hug and Isabella seemed to have clinged to me a little. When she finally let go of me I took off to mom and waved goodbye to everyone else.

I walked with mom to the gate in silence.

Y/N: You know I'm gonna miss you Mom.

She side eyes me and smiled.

Mom: I'll miss you too dear.

We continued walking, finally getting to the gate. Mom opened it and the place looked kinda scary. The air was a little timid but I could handle it, and their was a leaking pipe.
Someone should really get that fixed...

Mom: Please wait in this room-
???: Wait!

In unison, mom and I looked in the direction of an older lady rushing towards us.

Mom: Grandma?

Followed behind her was a huge monster type of thing.
In shock I took a step back and kinda hid behind my mom.

Grandma: Oh don't be frightened my dear.

She gave me a smile.

Mom: What's wrong?

*If reader is male*
Grandma: I was just informed that we would be running out of men to work computers.

*If reader is Female*
Grandma: I was just informed that we need more females for training.


Mom: Really?
Grandma: Yes, so what do you say my child.

She stepped towards me and held her hand out.

Grandma: Will you join us?

I thought for a second.

Y/N: But what about the people that are adopting me?

I said as innocent as a 12 year old can be.
Mom slightly chuckled and grandma placed a hand on her hip.

Grandma: I forgot to explain.
Y/N: Hmm?
Grandma: Well basically dear. This is a farm...

I thought for a second.

Y/N: A farm? S-so are we raised to be...

Grandma nodded.

Y/N: Mom! You were gonna send me to my deathbed?!

She started chuckling.

Y/N: So their are no people adopting me?

Mom nodded her head, gesturing no.
I had mixed emotions about what was going on. Finally I looked at Grandma.

Y/N: Fine.

It was my only choice. I held out my hand.
She grinned and shook my hand.

Mom: You'll do great kiddo.

Now after years later. Here I am. In some cell that just constantly recall memories from so many years ago.

Ok I think I'ma make this a male reader because of all the ideas I have. Although female can still read this story, but it's more leaning to Y/N being male. Anyways um...have a good day.

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