...Grandma knows everything...

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Mary: Please go out with me!

She blushed and closed her eyes.
I looked at her and at Alex, who had disappointed eyes.

It was the next day from after I had planted my lips on Isabella's.
I looked at the girl who was now waiting for a response, with unmotivated eyes I spoke.

Y/N: I'm Sorry, but I already found my forever.
???: Ya and that's me!

I felt a body against me, and they wrapped their arms around me.

It was the other guy we worked with.
Joseph was his name.

Joseph: Right...Y/N.
Mary: O-oh...sorry I didn't know you guys were..

I knew what he was doing and I got out of his grip.

Y/N: Don't worry Joseph...you don't need to help.
Joseph: Oh alright then.
Mary: I'm confused.
Y/N: Joseph was just trying to help me get out if this situation by acting like we were together.

He smiled.

Y/N: But it is true that I have already met my forever.
Mary: O-oh..
Y/N: I appreciate the offer though..but hey. Alex is over there, and he's ready to mingle.

I looked at Alex and he started blushing. I smiled at him and winked.

Y/N: Alright guys. I'm heading out.

I waved and Alex said bye while the others just waved.

I stepped outside the locker room and bumped into Grandma.

Grandma: What a ladies man.
Y/N: What?

She chuckled, and we started walking towards the tunnel that leads to the house.

Grandma: I mean it's true.
Y/N: I don't think I'm a ladies man.
Grandma: I mean look at you. Mary over their just asked you out, and you have Isabella's heart.

I smiled when she mentioned the name Isabella.

Grandma: And you love Isabella.
Y/N: H-how'd you know that!
Grandma: I'm grandma, I know everything.

She paused.

Grandma: And who else were those flowers for.

She paused again

Grandma: You smiled when I mentioned her name, and you're eye pupils grew when I mentioned her.
Y/N: Ok ok fine! I love her.

She smiled.

Grandma: You gonna put a ring on it?

I blushed.

Y/N: I-i mean....

I looked away from her.

Y/N: Stop with the teasing!

She laughed.

We finally got to the gate, we said our goodbyes and I started heading back to the house.
I got to the house and before going to check on Isabella, I first checked on the kids.
I peeked inside their room and found Phil wasn't on his bed.

In confustion I entered the room.
I went to Phil's bed and found him silently crying on the floor.

Y/N: H-hey kid...what's wrong.

I sat next to him.

Phil: Brother Y/N.

He was shocked to see me, and we started wiping away his tears.

Y/N: Hey bud, what's happening?

He paused.

Phil: I-its nothing.

I tiled my head when I looked at him.

Y/N: Come on. You can tell me.
Phil: O-ok..I'm just sad.
Y/N: About?
Phil: It's just..I'm afraid. What if Emma, and Ray...and others don't make it?

He held back his tears while I looked at him, surprised.

Y/N: They escaped right? That means they're worthy. They were smart enough to escape. So they will be smart enough to survive.
Phil: I hope so.

I picked him up and placed him on his bed.

Y/N: Alright kiddo. Go to sleep. Ok?

He nodded.
I patted his head, and stood back up.

I exited the room amd silently closed the door, then I went to go check on Isabella.
Not surprised I saw the light on.

*Isabella's Pov*

I was organizing my stuff till I heard the door open.
I looked and saw Y/N with a really serious face.

Y/N: Boss?

I've never seen him like this...

Isabella: Yes?
Y/N: I went to check on the kids, and I found Phil crying.

He said with a concerned voice.

Y/N: Does he know the secret?
Isabella: Yes.
Y/N: That poor kid.

He sat against a table.

Y/N: He told me that he was worried about the kids that escaped.
Isabella: I am too.

I made my way to him and he put his arms around my waist.

Y/N: I only told him that they were smart enough to escape, so they're smart enough to survive.

I nodded.

Y/N: Then I put him to bed.

*Y/Ns Pov*

She looked in my eyes while I talked.
I slightly smiled.

Y/N: Looks like you're next.
Isabella: Wait what?

I picked her up and she only accepted it.

Y/N: Now now it's last you're bed time.

I teased and smiled.

Isabella: Last I checked I have no bedtime.

She chuckled.
I started for the door.

Y/N: I better hurry or you'll fall asleep on me again, and we both know what happened.
Isabella: I don't know what you're talking about.

She joked.

I started going towards her bedroom.

Y/N: Are you asleep?
Isabella: Nope.

I smiled and I made it to the destination.
I put her down and only stood by the doorway.

Isabella: Ok taxi driver, you're dismissed.

I laughed and left the room, closing the door behind me.

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