...The Replacement...

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In the morning I honestly didn't want to face Isabella. Although I knew I had to. I got up and looked in the mirror and tried my best to act as normal as possible.

I took a deep breathe and exhaled.
I started getting dressed for the day.

*Time Skip*

The morning bell rang and I left my room to make breakfast.
On my way to the kitchen I saw Isabella while I was going down the stairs.

Y/N: Good morning boss.

I smiled. She only back and we continued walking.

*Time Skip because I'm a lazy author rn*

The kids went outside and today, I decided to stay inside. I thought about it, and I had a perfect plan in mind. Although I would have to wait for the perfect time.
I got to my room and started reading a book.

Y/N: Crap..I have training tonight.

I remembered.

Isabella: Now now Y/N. No need for foil language.

I saw her opened the door.

Y/N: Sorry boss. Just worried.

I scratched my neck.

Isabella: About the consequences?
Y/N: Ya. You never know what hq is gonna do. Anyways did you need anything?
Isabella: No just wanted to check on you.
Y/N: Oh really? How come?
Isabella: You seemed awkward towards me in the morning.
Y/N: Oh ya I guess so huh.

She smiled.

Isabella: I'll see you later Y/N.
Y/N: Ya. Talk to you later.

She left and closed the door behind her.

*Another Time Skip*

It was time for training and I had made my way to the gate. Grandma was waiting for my arrival.

Y/N: Hey grandma.

I smiled.

Grandma: Hello.

We started walking together.

Grandma: So it's true that you did get in a fight?
Y/N: Oh how'd you know?
Grandma: I mean I'm Grandma. I know everything. Also the bandage.

I put my hand on the bandage on my cheek.

Y/N: Oh ya I forgot about that.
Grandma: Don't worry. You want be seeing Daren anymore.
Y/N: How so?
Grandma: You'll see.

She smiled at me.

We got to Hq and I had made my way to training.

The teacher was in the locker room ehen I entered.

Teacher: Their you are.

I gave him a cold expression.

Y/N: Sir?
Teacher: Ok let me explain what'll be happening.

We all gathered around.

Teacher: As you can tell Daren isn't here for training. The reason behind that is because he will not be attending training anymore.

I was shocked. I grew happy and actually smiled.

Teacher: Actually..he will not be in the brother position any longer. Yes I know Y/N started the fight. We all know this. But Daren was the one who threw in names, that and we have heard 3 complaints from the mother he was working with.

Serves him right.
I thought to myself.

Teacher: Anyways get changed.

He exited the room.

Teacher: Oh I almost forgot.

He can back in the room.

Teacher: Since Daren couldn't do his job, he is being replaced. But by a female.

I stopped paying attention and started chsnging.

I looked back at him and I saw him moving out of the way.

Teacher: Everyone. This is Mary.

A female walked into the room.
She was a short girl maybe a couple years younger then me.

Teacher: Touch her, and you are out of you're position.

The girl looked at the teacher.

Teacher: Don't worry. Tell me if anything happens.

She nodded.
He left the girl in our hands.
She looked at her and she was blushing. You could tell she was afraid. I mean if I was in her position, I would be too.
In the same room with 3 other guys, alone.

Ya I would be too.

She looked down as I looked at her.

Y/N: Come on guys.

The girl looked back up confused.

Y/N: Give the girl her own space.

The other boys came towards me, and I walked to the girl.

Y/N: No need to worry Mary.

She looked up at me and I saw a little sparkle in her eye.
She hugged me.

Mary: Thank you guys. I was really worried.
Alex: Don't worry about it. Unlike Daren were gentlemen.

The other guy nodded. He was rather quiet.

The girl was still hugging me and I compared the height difference.
She was short then me that's for sure, but only inches shorter then Isabella who was to my neck area.

She finally released me and went to her corner of the room.

Y/N: They need another changing room.
Alex: Agreed. So Mary is more comfortable.

*Time Skip*

After training. Mary pulled me to her level and kissed me on the cheek.
She grew red.

Mary: For your respect.

She said flustered.
As a surprise I didn't get flustered at all. Although it was cute when she got flustered. Who knows maybe in the future I would tease her about this.

Y/N: No problem.

I got to the tunnel to go back to the house and saw grandma.

Y/N: Grandma! I have a request..

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