... Assignment...

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I was immediately assigned to learn how to use the computer and what I was supposed to do.
Once I finally got the hang of it, I was put to work.
In my free time I explored music. I learned many songs and even developed a singing voice and other talents.

I got up from my chair and started walking around the lab to stretch my legs. I heard a baby crying and decided to follow the sound.
When I reached the noise I saw a baby in his crib. Their were no adults around so I entered the room.

Y/N: Um..hey kid..

The baby looked at me, which distracted it from crying.

Y/N: Don't cry kid. You're ok.

I said in a soothing voice. While the baby continued to look at me, he smiled.
I smiled back and I heard a door open.

Doctor: Excuse me?
Y/N: Oh sorry sir..I heard this baby crying and no one was around so....
Doctor: It's fine. You should get back.

I nodded and exited the room.
He watched me walk away and smiled.

*Time Skip: A week later*

I was working at my desk until I heard alarms and people yelling.

Person: Attention, attention! Products have escaped from Plant 3!

I stood up, worried.

After this whole mess, the only problems were that kids successfully escaped and the house of Plant 3 was burned down.

Jesus how far did these kids go?

*Another Time Skip: A week later*

Person: Attention! We have decided that after Plant 3's house is officially rebuilt, we well need male workers to help as brothers.

I blinked I'm confustion, then the announcer spoke again.

Person: Number 53684, at plant 1.

A dude named Daren looked at the announcer.

Person: Number 71684, at plant 2.

The dude named Alex tilted his head and smiled.

Person: Number 76184, at plant 3.

In shock my number was called. I scratched my head.

Person: And finally numbr 61784 at plant 4.

The announcer put down his paper he was reading off of and bowed downed quickly. Then left.

Daren: Hey Y/N. You don't seem like you would be a good brother. I mean just look at you, you have such a cold expression.
Y/N: Shut up Daren.

He smirked and continued.

Daren: I'm just saying.

I rolled my eyes and thought about how I'm assigned to a new position.

Alright then.

That's when my training had began. We were taught fighting, took test and built knowledge on how to take care of kids.
Later I learned that the only reason why I was picked for this position was because the doctor who found me stopping a baby from crying, requested to have me picked for this position.

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