...I remember you...

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*Time Skip: One year later*

It was officially the day that I would be going to Plant 3 and helping out as a brother.
I walked with Grandma, and held my suitcase as I talked with her.

Grandma: How does it feel coming back here.
Y/N: I'm kinda excited.
Grandma: I still remember how little you were, and how scared you were when you saw the demon.

I laughed.

Grandma: I know you'll do a good job, and I'm sure you'll be happy to see the current Mom.
Y/N: Who's the Mom assigned here?
Grandma: That's a surprise. She doesn't know who you are either. I made sure to make it anonymous so you'll both be surprised.

I tilted my head.

Y/N: I mean. If you say so..Mom.
Grandma: I'm not Mom anymore. I'm grandma.
Y/N: Well to me you're still Mom.

She chuckled. We had finally gotten to the gates and she gave me a hug.

Grandma: You'll do well.
Y/N: Thanks.

The gates opened and I started walking to the house.
I knocked on the door, and heard a voice inside.

???: Oh they're here. Behave yourselves children.

The door opened and I looked at her. She looked back at me and my eyes widened when I figured out who it was.
She widened her eyes too, then remained calm.

???: Please come in.

I stepped inside the house, and I was piled around with young kids.

???: Now children settle down. This is you're new brother, he will be helping me out with taking care of you guys.
Y/N: Um..hey kids. I'm brother Y/N.

I looked at the mom and her eyes widened again when I said my name.

After I was introduced I was taken to her office.

??? Listen, don't think you're gonna get special treatment from me just because we were childhood friends.
Y/N: Oh come on Isabella. Don't be so cold.

I smirked.

Isabella: You're one to talk Y/N.
Y/N: Well it's pretty obvious you changed.
Isabella: We both changed.

She stood next to me, looking up to me with a kinda irritated face. Seems someone is asserting dominance.

Y/N: Pretty obvious our height difference didn't change shorty.

She rolled her eyes and slightly chuckled.

Isabella: Fine I'll admit, I'm glad you're here Y/N.
Y/N: I knew you loved me.

I playfully smirked.

Y/N: I'm still surprised Grandma set us up and made us work together.
Isabella: After all these years. She was the one who set us up.
Y/N: Like it was meant to be.

I chuckled and she only slightly smiled at my remark.

Isabella: Get out of my sight.

She laughed.

Y/N: Whatever you say "boss".

I started for the door.

Isabella: You know it's nice having you back in my life.
Y/N: Aww shorty cares.
Isabella: Get out.

I laughed and exited the room.
I was worried who I was gonna be working beside. Knowing I'm working with Isabella makes me feel like I'm gonna fit right in.

Isabella: Wait Y/N.
Y/N: Yes boss?
Isabella: I almost forgot.

I turned to look at her and she handed me a stack of papers.

Isabella: These are documents of the children. Memorize them.
Y/N: Yes miss ma'am.
Isabella: Miss ma'am?
Y/N: Yup.

She slightly smiled and turned back to her office.

Isabella: Oh and change into you're uniform.
Y/N: Jeez miss ma'am your forgetting everything. Anything else?
Isabella: Oh you're room.
Y/N: Oooo I get a room.
Isabella: You're room would be upstairs on the second floor. Forth door on the left.
Y/N: Gotcha. Anything else.
Isabella: For now no.

I nodded and turned to the stairs. I got to my room and started unpacking my things. The sun started setting and i quickly started for the door. I made my way to Isabella's office and entered.

Y/N: Hey, I have to go to training soon.
Isabella: You didn't finish?
Y/N: Nope they kinda just made us come here without finishing, and told us to come back every night on Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays.

She nodded at me.

*Time Skip*

The gate opened and I made my way back to headquarters for training.

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