...The offering...

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I woke up to find Isabella still sleeping against my chest. She was such a peaceful sleeper.
Minutes later I heard the morning bell ringing.
Narrowing my eyes to look at her, I felt her moving and slowly open her eyes. Once she was fully aware of her surroundings I spoke.

Y/N: Good morning. Darling~

I heard her slightly chuckle as she sat up. As did I.

Before leaving her side, I gave her a gentle kiss then left her room so she can get ready for the day.

I went to my room and did the same.
Now fixing the collar of my shirt I left my room and immediately headed downstairs to make the children's breakfast.

Y/N: Good morning Phil.

I smiled at him as he entered the kitchen to see what I was making.

Phil: Morning.

He smiled back.

Y/N: I see you're doing better.
Phil: Ya! I had a dream and they were in it. Like old time we were playing tag, but we weren't in our usual uniforms.

He brightly smiled as he continued to tell me about his dream.

Phil: You and mom were there too! You were helping one of the babies take their first steps, while mom was next to you, holding another baby.
Y/N: What were you doing?

I smiled.

Phil: I was watching everyone around me. Then Emma told me to come play tag with everyone else, and that's when my dream ended.
Y/N: That sounds like the perfect ending.

He looked up at me and softly giggled. Then I saw some other children running in, in curiosity of what I was making.

Y/N: You guys wanna crack eggs?

I asked getting a bowl.

Child: Ya!

I handed the child a bowl and some eggs, and she helped me cook the rest of breakfast, along with 3 other kids.

*Time Skip*
(Be ready for some drama 😗)

Y/N: Alright see ya boss.

She smiled and gave a little wave, as I closed the door behind me.

*Another Time Skip to the interesting parts*

I was in the locker room drinking water, out of breathe from training. Honestly all we really did was mess around. We were practicing how to hold a baby. Which is something we should have already went over but that's what we were doing today.
There was only 2 dolls so we all messed around like children.

We ran around yelling.

"My child!"


"Oh dear lord give me my child back!"

In an old ladies type of voice.
All we did was run around till training was over for the day.
The teacher messed around too.
Sometimes he would yell.

"Hey! Give him his kid back so he can shut up already!


"I'm glad that's not a real kid..or else that kid would grow up insane or something"

Alex had left the locker room first, then Joseph. As my dehydrated self drank water the whole time.
Finally I got up and started changing back to my uniform.

Isabella X Reader Where stories live. Discover now