...Go to sleep!..

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Grandma: I'll get it you by..tomorrow maybe.
Y/N: Thanks Mom..Grandma.

I chuckled.

Y/N: Sorry.
Grandma: Don't worry about it.

We said our goodbyes and I started heading back to the house.
Honestly I felt so much happier now that Daren is gone. It'll probably be better now.
I could tell Alex had a thing for Mary..but you can also tell she had a thing for me too. Although I'm not at all interested in Mary. I only thought she was cute when she got flustered. That is all.

I got to the house and made my way to my room. I past Isabella's office and noticed that the lights were still on. In curiosity I came in the room.

She brought her attention to me and I looked at her confused.

Y/N: Why aren't you asleep?
Isabella: I see you're back.

I leaned on the doorway and looked at her.

Y/N: Go to sleep. Its late.
Isabella: I'm not tired at all. Plus I still have work to do.

I went up to her desk and got close to her face, just eyeing her.

Y/N: You're gonna get bags under you're eyes if you don't sleep.
Isabella: Don't worry about me. I'll be fine.

She yawned.
I sighed and put my hands on my hips.

Y/N: You know I'm gonna worry about you.

She looked at me and back at her paper work.
I went around her desk and looked at what she was doing. Just boring paperwork, that's all.

Y/N: Alright then.
Isabella: Thank you.

I moved her chair so she was facing me and I leaned to eye her once again. 

Y/N: I don't mean "Alright I'll let you do you're paperwork" I mean "Alright ima just have to drag you to bed."

I picked her up and carried her in my arms.
Maiden style because I can 😌

Isabella: Y/N put me down! I'm heavy!

She whisper yelled.

Y/N: Not in the slightest shorty.

She started to grow red, as I started walking out of the office.
Finally she accepted this and put her head against my chest.

Y/N: And you say you're heavy. Not at all short stuff.

I looked down at her to find that she actually had fallen asleep.
I stopped walking and only stared at the now sleeping Isabella.

Y/N: That's...so cute..

I smiled and continued walking to her room. Finally getting to her room, I gently put her down. Trying to stand up straight, I hadn't realized she was now attached to me.

Y/N: You're kidding me.

Slightly blushing, I laid down next to her and she started cuddling me in her sleep.

Y/N: Looks like I'm stuck here.

I whispered.

Isabella X Reader Where stories live. Discover now