...Bonus: The roof top...

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(Hey y'all, did you miss me? Of course you did. 😩 This is a really long chapter! Anyways..)

It's been almost a year from when I came back to gracefield.
It was the middle of the night, and Isabella and I were on the roof, watching as stars peacefully lit up the sky.
You might think this was all my idea, but this time it was Isabella who had requested to go on the roof.
I found it strange since she's never requested this before, but obviously I just had to do it.

I played sweet melodies, humming to a song that reminded me of Isabella.
While she on the other hand was laying her head on my shoulder.
She's been acting like this more and more for some reason. Much more clingy then usual, to me and towards the kids. Its not like I'm complaining or anything.
She's also been asking me weird questions.

I stopped playing the guitar and looked at Isabella, she looked back at me and gave me a gentle smile.

Y/N: Sorry, just checking if you were asleep.

I laughed. Sorta teasing her.

Isabella: Course not. I wouldn't dare fall asleep on the roof. It'll be a burden for you cause-
Y/N: It wouldn't be a burden.

I gave her a reassuring smile, then got up from the spot I was once was sitting at.

Y/N: I spent all of the love I saved, we were always a losing game. Small town boy in a big arcade, I got addicted to a losing game..

I peacefully started singing this, since that song had been stuck in my head for a while now for some reason.
Securely placing my guitar down, I opened the basket next to it and took out 2 water bottles.

Y/N: Want one?

I asked Isabella, who nodded gesturing yes.
Giving her the water bottle, I started drinking mine.

After I looked at her and found she had a sad look on her face. Like she was thinking about something.

Y/N: You ever just name random objects?

I asked playfully, in order to distract her from her thoughts.

Isabella: What?

She slightly chuckled from the unexpected question.

Y/N: Ya like for example, that basket over there. I named it Jason and my guitar I named it Betsy.
Isabella: Why a female name?

She joked.

Y/N: I ment it's name is, Bartholomew.

I quickly "corrected" myself.
She laughed at my weirdness and I only smiled while hearing her laugh.

Attempting to go back to my seat, I placed the water bottle I had back in the basket.

Y/N: I- I feel like fucking something, we can be corny fuck it. Sugar-

I playfully sang the song, and looked back at Isabella to find her slightly blushing.

Y/N: I- wait..I didnt mean-

I stuttered with my words.

Y/N: It was just a song-

She looked at me, and started laughing. I awkwardly put my hand on my neck, while looking at Isabella, who was still laughing at my stuttering.
Once she calmed down, I sat down next to her.

Y/N: Listen we don't talk about the stuttering or the song.

I chuckled. Which she did as well. I then took her hand and kinda just held it. Softly smiling when I got those little butterflies in my stomach.
I looked at the sky and felt the urge to sing again.

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