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I woke up early to find Isabella still peacefully sleeping.
Her arms were still wrapped around me and she laid her head on my chest.
Blushing I put my arms around her waist.

It was pretty obvious that I was gonna be staying here till whenever she decides to wake up.
So I took this as an opportunity to get to admire her without her noticing.
An evil plan..I know right..to shy to admire her while she is awake...

I looked down at her.
If only I had a camera so I can constantly show her a picture of this moment and tease her about it.
I felt her move her head, and my heart started racing.
She hadn't waken up and I sighed in relief.

Then I heard the morning bell and I started to panic again.
Why you may ask? Well I don't know why..

She started moving around and I saw her eyes slowly start to open.
I waited till she was fully aware of her surroundings before I spoke.

Y/N: Morning sleepy head..

She got up confused.

Isabella: Wait..why are you here.

She blushed.

Y/N: You don't remember? You refused to go to bed so I carried you here...and you feel asleep while I was carrying you here.

She blinked and slightly started brushing.

Y/N: You didn't want me to leave you're side Isabella. How cute.

I teased.

Isabella: You could have but you stayed. How cute~

She teased back.

Y/N: Only because I'm a gentleman and you started cuddling me. It was cute~

I teased.

Isabella: Did I really?

I nodded and sat up.

Y/N: I tried putting you down on you're bed but you wouldn't let go. So I stayed.
Isabella: I'm sorry for the disturbance.

She slightly blushed and looked away from me.

Y/N: No no it's perfectly fine. You were asleep so you couldn't control that.
Isabella: But still.

She laid on my chest again.

Isabella: Thank you.

She mumbled.

Y/N: What was that? I couldn't quiet here you.

I teased.

Isabella: I said thank you.

She said still laying on my chest.

Isabella: You are rather comfortable.
Y/N: I guess you are as well.

I slightly blushed.

Isabella: But this must come to an end. We have children to take care of.

She said getting up.

Y/N: Ya. I'll go get breakfast ready for our kids.

I started getting up and stopped real fast realizing what I just said. I looked at her, who was kinda shocked too but smirked.

Isabella: Aww you refer to them as our kids. How cute~

She teased.
I slightly blushed and got up.

Y/N: Well you know what I mean.

She chuckled and I started heading for the door.

Y/N: We should hurry.

She nodded.
I closed the door behind me and headed for my room to change.
Finally I went to the kitchen to start cooking some breakfast.

Isabella X Reader Where stories live. Discover now