...Traing was interesting...

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Y/N: See ya later boss.
I opened the door to her office and she waved at me. I closed the door behind me and headed for the exit.
I got outside and frowned just thinking about going to training and seeing Darens face. I rolled my eyes and started walking to the gate.
It was a peaceful night, the moon was shaped as a crescent and clouds barely covered it.
Finally making it to the gates, I opened it and walked back to headquarters.

After making it to training on time, I learned we were going to be improving stamina and muscle.
I was already strong as is but I guess I could improve stamina.

Daren: Well well hello their Y/N.

I rolled my eyes.

Y/N: What do you want Daren.

I didn't look at him.

Daren: Just saying hi. No need to be so cold.
Y/N: Whatever.
Daren: Do you act like that in front of the brats.
Y/N: Excuse me?
Daren: I mean are you so cold to the brats too. Do yoh even acknowledge them. So disrespectful.
Alex: Hey cut him some slack.
Daren: Or what?

Alex stepped back.

Daren: Exactly.

I continued to avoid looking and Daren and focus on changing to my training clothes.

Daren: Hey I'm talking to you.

He grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. When he did this, he grabbed a hold of my tie.

Daren: The disrespect.
Y/N: I don't need to respect you.
Daren: You got balls.

I rolled my eyes and he let go of my tie. Pushing me a bit.

Teacher: Alright gentlemen hurry it up and change.

I nodded at him and continued to change.

Alex : Hey Y/N is it true you're working with the youngest and most successful mom?
Y/N: Ya why?
Alex: Just asking.
Daren: I here she let a bunch of the older kids escape.
Alex: I've heard that too.
Y/N: Mhmm.

I focused on changing and started unbuttoning my collard shirt.

Daren: She must be not that special then.
Y/N: What.

I turned around.

Daren: The mom you're working with.. I mean she did let a bunch of older brats escape or some crap.

His words made me feel anger.

Daren: It was an immature move. Is she immature Y/N?
Y/N: More mature then you'll ever be.
Daren: What's this! Y/N here has a little crush on this immature mom?
Y/N: I never said that. Daren.

I glared at him.

Daren: She probably is immature. There's no men around in her life, as an immature and desperate person she most likely is, she'd probably give you a chance buddy boy. What a whor-

I punched him in the face.
He was in shock. He looked at me and held his face where I punched him at, while I glared at him. Alex and some other dude looked at us with shocked eyes.

Daren: You little!

He ran after me and we started fighting. Hitting lockers and throwing each other. He got on top of me and started punching me in the face, until I kicked him off and started banging his face on a locker.

Alex: Hey hey hey!! Stop it guys!

We didn't listen and continued to fight each other.
He bit my arm, which made me take my hand off of his head. I looked at him to find he was all bloody. He ran after me and I dodged making him hit a locker. He ran after me again and tried punching me in the face. I shoved him away from me and he came back again and this time shoved me. I hit the lockers and fell on the floor. He got on top of me and started punching me.

Teachers: What's all the ruckus! Hey!
Alex: Sir please help!

The teacher separated us and took only Darren away. Probably because he only saw Daren punching me.

Alex: Are you ok?
Y/N: Ya.

I said out of breathe.
The teacher came back.

Teacher: Everyone is dismissed! Get out!

We all got out of the room and I got my uniform before leaving.
I went inside a bathroom to look at the damages. My face was now covered in bruises and blood, while my arm had a bite mark on it that might leave a temporary scar.
Crap how am I gonna explain this to Isabella...

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