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*Time Skip: Morning*

I heard the morning bells and got up rubbing my eyes.
I started getting into my uniform.
First I put on a collared shirt, then put on some pants.
I put on a tie, long socks and some shoes. I looked in my mirror and made sure the collar covered my identification code, which it did. I hurried off to the kitchen to help cook.

Y/N: Hey kids.

I greeted them while giving them a little wave.

Phil: Good morning.

He smiled.

Y/N: Good morning, and you must be Phil. Right?

He nodded and smiled.

Y/N: Alright little bud.

I ruffled his hair, which made him giggle.

I made my way to the kitchen and started helping to cook breakfast.

*Time skip*

After breakfast all of the young children went outside and ran around playing tag or kicking a balk around.
Isabella came outside holding a baby.
She stood next to me.

Isabella: I see they're already pretty fond of you.
Y/N: Ya. Honestly I wasn't sure if I was gonna be good with kids.

I awkwardly laughed, recalling things Daren had said about me not being a good brother.
She smiled.

Phil: Hey Y/N! Come and play!

In shock of the question, I looked at Isabella and back at Phil.

Y/N: Alright.

I ran to the child and knelt down to him.

Y/N: What game are we playing?
Phil: Tag!

He tagged me and started running. I chuckled and stared jogging to the child. After some time I tagged him.

Y/N: Wow kid. You're fast.

I smiled.

Y/N: I almost gave up.

I put my hand on my neck, and boosted his confidence.
He giggled from the praise.

It struck evening and I was helping give the kids water.
As I was handing out water, I was humming a song.

Child: What song is that?
Y/N: Oh its a song I've heard once.
Child: Does it have lyrics?
Y/N: Oh um ya. You wanna hear them?

The kid nodded and I smiled.

Y/N: Well it's kind of a sad song. You sure?
Child: Ya!

The child stepped closer to me, ready to give me her full attention.

Y/N: Alright then..

I prepared to sing.

Y/N: Goes like this ready...ahem..For now the day bleeds, into nightfall, and you're not here to get me through it all, I let my guard down, and then you pulled the rug. I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved...

I stopped singing and the kid was amazed. I looked around and saw other kids looking at me in awe.
I chuckled and nervously put my hand on my neck.

Child: That was awesome.
Another child: Even if it was a sad song.

I smiled and the kids gathered around me.
The bell rang and it was now time to go inside.
I made sure all of the kids got inside, counting each one.

We all got inside and I made sure that everything was under control.

Isabella X Reader Where stories live. Discover now