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ten: yeah he has a kid

taeyong: okay context?

ten: johnny. he's a dad. he has a son. he made love to a woman and now he has a child.

taeyong: ten i know how babies are made

ten: im so aaaaa

ten: taeyong he makes me so happy. this isnt good.

taeyong: im happy for you!

ten: he's so nice. he's so good with kids too.

taeyong: what's his son like?

ten: he's three years old and he just looks like a mini-version of johnny. he's adorable.

taeyong: that is so cute

taeyong: maybe you'll be his step-dad one day ;)

ten: stoppp

ten: ur gonna get my hopes up

ten: anyways i gotta go sleep now

taeyong: sleep well my love

ten: <3
"who the fuck-"

"he's jaehyun," taeyong laughed, as the two walked past the gym on their lunch break. ten had spotted johnny with a slightly shorter male, "he's the new gym teacher."

"why's johnny down there?" ten asked, drinking his coffee and raising an eyebrow.

taeyong just laughed, "geez, someone's overprotective, damn.." he teased, receiving an evil glare from ten, "apparently they went to high school in america together? they havent seen eachother for YEARS."

"hm.. i see," ten smiled, nodding, "thats cool."

"god ten, you're possessive!" taeyong exclaimed, shocked at his best friend's behaviour.

"it's better to be possessive than let him get away," ten shrugged, "if i want him, im gonna try to get him."

"good point," taeyong agreed, "but dont worry, he doesnt like him, ive seen them interact and its like a younger brother bond."

"yeah, he'd better not," ten laughed, joking, "being in love sucks, man..."

"you're in LOVE with him?" taeyong's eyes widened, "i knew you liked him but i didnt think it was that much."

"im not even gonna deny it.." ten sighed, smiling subtly, feeling butterflies in his stomach "realistically, i probably am."

"again, i'm not meant to say anything, but i think you should stay in love with him for a little while longer."


"a cookie for you, my love," johnny smiled, walking into ten's class. he was teaching right now, but johnny clearly didnt care when ten raised an eyebrow at him, "what?!"

"shh!" ten smiled, snatching the cookie jokingly, "thank you, lover boy."

johnny just smiled, walking over to renjun's table, "renjun-ah!"

renjun almost jumped out of his skin as johnny approached him, "shi- oh my god, hello."

"hey! watch your language!" johnny chuckled, leaning against the table.

"your fault!"

"leave the boys alone!" ten said from across the class, "they dont like you!" he joked, making everyone in the room laugh.

"its okay, mr suh," renjun began in his monotone, dull voice, "i like you."

johnny just laughed fondly, "thank you, renjun. what are you painting?"

"it's supposed to represent.. riots.. and protests.. and stuff... y'know?" renjun tried to explain, but luckily johnny got it.

"yeah, i know," he smiled, "i like it, i'll make sure te- mr lee gives you a good grade."

renjun chuckled, "thank you."

johnny nodded, letting renjun continue with his art, walking back towards ten, "he's so talented, god."

"who? renjun?" ten tilted his head and got a nod in response. lowering his voice, he replied, "he's amazing.. a top student, honestly."

"busy tonight?" the older asked, leaning against ten's desk. ten pouted, before nodding sadly.

"i have lots of shit to do..." ten explained, "you could come to mine? unless jungmo is still with you?"

"nah, he went home," johnny laughed, "i dont just leave him at home when im at work."

"shush, i didnt think that deep into that," the younger sighed, "wanna come to mine? i'll have to do work but you could just hang with me?"

"awesome, i'll take you home," johnny nodded, beginning to walk out of ten's classroom, "meet me at my room later."

ten just nodded fondly with a smile, before renjun turned to him, "are you- do you two- does he?"

"no questions, renjun!" ten laughed, "you heard what you heard."


"im bored~" johnny whined, laying on ten's bed as he did his work, "hurry up~"

"i warned you it'd be boring!" ten chuckled, "i'm almost done though, be patient!"

groaning, johnny stood up and walked behind ten's desk chair. he wrapped his arms around him, and rocked him back and forth to annoy him, "come on~"

ten just laughed, letting johnny continue with his nuisances until he got bored. which he did pretty quick. the american then huffed, placing his lips on his head. this filled the latter's stomach with butterflies, as he tried to continue with his work.

"seriously?" johnny said in disbelief, running his hands through ten's hair, "wow, you really are stubborn, huh?! i'll take note of that."

ten gave in, hopping up from his chair and pushing johnny back onto his bed. johnny laughed, letting ten fall onto him, "you suck."

"i knew i'd get you," johnny giggled, "you've finished your work now!"

"i- i haven't, technically," ten told him, sitting up, "but from the look on your face i dont think i'll really get a choice.."

johnny shook his head proudly, sitting against ten's headboard and grabbing his tv remote. he then pulled ten towards him, wrapping his arm around his waist. sighing happily, ten rested his head on the boy's shoulder.

"what crappy tv show are you gonna make me watch now?" ten teased, as he had seen johnny's netflix history and wasnt the biggest fan of his choices. when the older gave an offended look, ten replied with, "i'm kidding~"

"you're not though, are you."

ten shrugged, watching johnny's hands as he pressed the buttons on the remote. he loved watching the way this man did things. from the way he combed his hair in the mornings, to the way he unlocked doors, to the way he used a damn controller. he just found him hypnotising to watch.

in his eyes, he was perfect.

a/n long ass chapter but i hope that makes up for my inactivity LOL

after school ~ johntenWhere stories live. Discover now