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"fuck-" ten laughed, wailing in pain, as he got out of bed. johnny watched him with a small smirk, mixed with a loving smile, "i have to go into work? like this?!"

johnny laughed, standing up too. he followed the boy, putting his hands on his asscheeks, teasing him, "if it hurts that bad you could just call in sick for the day."

"johnny, it's the second day back to work," he laughed, moving johnny's hands further up, now on his waist, "i can't not go to work just because my asshole hurts."

"i'm impressed, honestly," johnny shrugged, tracing his fingers across the love bites on ten's neck, "i thought you had more of a sex life than that.."

"fuck you!" ten whined, taking johnny's hands off of him completely, and just holding them, "we've been in the talking stage for months now, i'm loyal!"

"please, dont call it the talking stage," johnny laughed, pushing ten out of the bedroom and towards the stairs, "my son calls you dad, and we've had sex now, i think it's a little more than the talking stage."

"i'm impressed by you!" ten told him, as they walked side by side to the kitchen, "you've never slept with a guy until me?!"

"ten, i've never been romantically involved with a guy until you," johnny sighed, as ten limped slightly, "you're the only guy who's ever really been interested in me."

"aw, that's cute," ten laughed, grabbing mugs and making coffee for the both of them, "i took your virginity."

"ten, i have a child, i dont think you did.."

"you know what i mean."

johnny sighed, with a nod, before sitting on one of the kitchen chairs. he looked out his window to see the sunrising. it was early, as they had to go to work, but he didnt mind. he loved the sunrise.

he also loved the way the sun shone on ten's glowing cheeks. his messy auburn hair laid on his forehead as he yawned.

"you might wanna get some concealer for your neck, though," johnny told him, with a cheeky smile. the younger turned around with a jokingly annoyed face, "what?!"

"i'm not gonna do anything about them," he said proudly, looking in the mirror with a smile, "absolutely nothing."


"how are you?" taeyong smirked, walking into ten's class as he was teaching. ten shook his head in disbelief, "hey renjunnie."

"hi!" the boy smiled, while painting something, not paying any attention to the teacher's conversation.

"so.. how'd it go?" taeyong asked, sitting next to ten on a chair he pulled over. ten was speechless, as he rested his head on his desk, "go walk over there, a student needs help."

"i hate you, so much," ten groaned, not taking taeyong's teasing, "it went great, thank you for asking!"

"you know, i might be quiet but i'm not dense," renjun laughed softly, turning to the teachers, "you're lucky i dont care enough to turn it into a massive rumour."

"sometimes i can't tell if renjun is being really nice of really mean," taeyong laughed, "and i never said you were dense!"

"yeah, i've never been able to tell. but it's fine, it's renjun."

"oh my god.." taeyong gasped, seeing ten's neck. he immediately reached into ten's drawer on his desk for something to cover up the noticeable marks, "you could've done something about these atleast!"

"i didnt want to!" ten smiled. taking the concealer out of taeyong's hand and putting it back where it was, "i told johnny that if he wanted to sort them out, he could. but he didnt."

"you're unbelievable"

"im happy."

"yeah, i'm glad," taeyong scoffed, fixing ten's collar to atleast give him the smallest bit of dignity, "talk later."

ten sighed, looking over at renjun. the chinese boy turned his head too as they shared a moment of eye contact, before renjun laughed, "oh, mr lee.. i mean, i'm glad you've found someone."

with a laugh, ten nodded, "thank you, renjun."


"remind me why we're not at my house?" johnny groaned, as they struggled to stay in ten's single bed. ten just giggled, shrugging, holding johnny's shoulders as he laid almost ontop of him.

"because it just gives me an excuse to me closer to you," ten teased, "i know you love it."

"you're lucky i do," johnny sighed, holding ten in his arms and kissing the back of his neck gently, not trying to make anything sexual, just showing affection "y'know, you should move in with me.."

ten nodded, not disagreeing at all, "i should," he smiled, "however, it'd be such effort. it'd be so much easier to just have my house but spend most of the time at yours."

"you rent this apartment, right?"

ten nodded

"then, it wouldn't be easier, dumbass," johnny laughed, "you'd be paying rent even though you're only leaving your stuff here. if you just move in with me you'll save money, idiot."

"im lazy."

"we're doing it."

"you can do it."

"we're doing it."

"i hate you"

after school ~ johntenWhere stories live. Discover now