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"i like it!" jungmo giggled, as he sat in the back of the car. today was the first day of their trip, and ten had given the child the bracelet he had made for him, along with a bag of snacks and activities for him. ten smiled, looking in the back of johnny's car as he drove, "tank you ten-ten..."

"no problem, cutie pie," ten chuckled, making johnny smile wider than he had in a while, "did you see the candy in there too?"

"mhm!" the toddler smiled, putting a lollipop in his mouth with a giggle, "i like..."

turning back around, ten nodded, "i'm glad!"

he stared at johnny while he drove with a content smile. he knew johnny could see him staring, but didnt want to take his eyes off of the road, which made him laugh. he admired this man. he was so beautiful.

"jungmo baby, the journey will take a while, so you should take a nap," the man advised his son, then looking over to ten as he reached a red light, "you too, you look tired too."

ten rolled his eyes, "you always want me to take naps, im starting to think you dont want me to talk to you," he joked, making both of them laugh, "no johnny, i dont think i will!"

"fine!" johnny played along.

"wake up baby~" johnny called into the car, not really knowing who he was calling to. his two babies were fast asleep, and they'd reached their destination. jungmo's head rose first, and he woke up, almost immediately laughing at ten's sleeping face.

"wha- huh- oh~" ten's eyes shot open at the sudden loud laughing, but smiled when he realised it was jungmo giggling, "mhph- good morning."

johnny rolled his eyes, opening ten's door for him, and holding out a hand for him to get out of the car, "morning?!" jungmo gasped, making the adults laugh.

"no, baby. ten was kidding.." johnny told him, lifting him out of his car seat and out of the car, "hungry?"

"mhm.. jungmo hungry.." he whined, as ten grabbed his things, along with johnny's jacket.

"ten that's mine, yours is in th-"

"i know!" ten smiled proudly, wrapping johnny's jacket around him, and hopping out the car. johnny smiled lovingly, shutting the car door and holding jungmo's hand as they walked upto the house.

"will swimming pool be available?" jungmo asked his father, as ten walked beside him. johnny nodded, as the pool wasn't open last time they visited, but then he frowned.

"jungmo, you can't swim."

this statement made ten laugh, but he held it in as jungmo made a playfully angry face at them both, "daddy, what are pool floaties for?!"

"he has a fair point!" ten shrugged, "it's okay, mo, i can't swim too well either.."

johnny unlocked the door, letting the two boys in first before taking the bags and shutting the door behind them, "ten, thats just embarassing. jungmo's three. you're in your twenties."

"i hate you," ten laughed, hitting johnny gently on the arm, "you're so mean, i'm going home."

"no!~" jungmo yelled, running towards ten and hugging his leg, "i'll cry!"
"do you like it here?" johnny asked, walking up behind ten who was looking out the window at the view of the sea, wrapping his arms around his waist, "it's really nice, right?"

"it's so nice.." ten yawned, holding johnny's hands and swaying slightly. it felt safe. it felt like love. ten felt he was secure with johnny and jungmo. he felt so special, and cared for, "is jungmo sleeping?"

"he's fast asleep. out like a light, why?" johnny asked, with a small smirk on his face, but he knew ten didnt mean it like that. he just wanted to tease the sleepy boy. ten rolled his eyes, turning around and smiling at the older.

"you smell good, did you shower?" ten asked, recieving a nod in response. their hands linked as johnny pulled the thai boy closer to his chest, admiring the sunset too. ten took a deep breath, as he felt johnny's hand in his hair, "mm... i'm hungry~"

"we could order something?" johnny suggested, or i could walk down the beach and get us something?"

"no no," ten smiled, "we can order something. i'd be alone if you went somewhere"

"you're so gay," johnny laughed, pulling ten with him to the kitchen. ten pouted, holding johnny's hand and dragging his feet across the floor like a grumpy child "you're cute.."


"what do you mean? i gave you the money for jungmo last we- what?!" johnny spoke down the phone. it was past midnight and he had just recieved a phone call from jungmo's mom.

"what- huh? no, i gave you money. it came out of my bank. i dont have any money to give you, because i've already given it to you!" johnny stressed, holding his head in his hands, as he sat in bed, his lover laid next to him and his child asleep in the room next door

he was trying to be quiet so he didnt wake ten up, however he didnt understand what the woman was saying. he was sure he had given her the money for jungmos child support. this woman was driving him crazy.

"j-johnny-ah?" ten whispered, yawning and tugging on johnny's arm. he heard a female voice shouting down the phone and quickly became worried. he sat up too, holding johnny's hand and resting on his shoulder, "hang up..."

"jungmo's money is with you!" johnny raised his voice slightly, "i dont know what you've done with the money, but i gave it to you, so it's your fault if you dont have the money for your own fucking child."

"johnny hang up."

johnny turned and shook his head at ten, who just frowned sadly. he was worried, he was scared for johnny.

"no! i'm not giving you more money! i dont- i dont have it!"

ten softly took johnny's phone from his hand and pressed end call. johnny looked at him, shocked, but ten just shook his head, pulling johnny down with him, and into his arms. 

johnny resisted, pushing away from ten, taking a deep breath, "i dont know what to do, ten"

"i do," ten nodded, "i think you should sleep. it's almost 1am. we're away from her for now, it's fine. you need to sleep"

johnny's eyes filled with tears, and ten pulled him into his chest again. they laid together for a moment, as johnny sniffled. the smaller stroked his hair gently, "we're on vacation, dont worry about anything. we're here, jungmo is here, i'm here, we're okay, alright?"

ten kissed johnny's head, holding his waist and breathing slowly and calmly.

johnny nodded, yawning and getting some shut-eye.

after school ~ johntenWhere stories live. Discover now