58. silent signals

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5 months later

The party at the Mystic Grill was mild and chill. Most were dancing, others were drinking and socializing.  

"And then mom took us to the Colosseum," Lizzie was explaining to the table. "And Josie had the audacity to say she has a stomach ache. Like who doesn't want to see the Colosseum? It ruined that whole entire day."

"Maybe she just had a stomach ache?" Jed offered.

Lizzie snorted, rolling her eyes. "You'll be forever single so I don't expect you to know the silent signals girls use. It was obvious she was having one of her episodes about Penelope but seriously? Cry me a river, build a bridge and get over it for godsakes."

"I don't think you understand that something like that isn't something you just get over," Killian huffed, shaking his head at the witch. "What happened last year was fucked up."

"Yeah, yeah," she sighed, dismissing the subject. Lizzie sat on Raf's lap with her arm behind his neck. His arms were around her, pulling her close to his chest. He kept brushing his nose against her cheek, aware that it made her tingle in places. Lizzie leaned into his touch, bringing the red solo cup to her lips.

"Get a room," Henry rolled his eyes as his legs bounced. His eyes searched the room, scanning every corner of the Mystic Grill. Tonight was the last night before school returned tomorrow morning and Lizzie had managed to host one last party.

Raf picked up a fry and threw it at him. "Anyways, Landon isn't here because he's back on campus, resting for tomorrow."

Before Jed could ask how their hunt for their biological parents went, Lizzie sat upright, eyes zeroing in on the group of girls and boys that pushed into the bar. "Hell no."

"What's wrong?" Raf asked, following her glare to the bunch.

"Human high schoolers," she huffed. "I did not waste my time putting together this to have lowlife's like them crash my party." She sprang out of his lap and started her march towards the human teenagers.

Raf watched her go, grabbing his own cup at the table. Jed crossed his arms. "She always like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like it's the world against her."



Kaura was in the centre of the room, swaying the music drunkenly with her eyes closed. Mason had been with her, gliding his arms up and down her body as they moved to the melody but that was seconds ago. She had spent the summer with him, meeting a couple of family members and visiting places he wanted to show her. It was an amazing change of scenery compared to the plain town Mystic Falls was. But even as Mason opened up to her even more...she felt as though something was missing. As if there was one cog missing in a clock. She couldn't explain it and as the music captured every aspect of her body, flashes of bright light began to blind her.

Brown hair, soft blue eyes, full lips, and a fang ring. Kaura swallowed and she stopped dancing immediately, finding it hard to stand up straight. Her vision began to blur in and out to those beautiful facial features. Moments like this had happened throughout the break as well, especially when she listened to music. She never understood why.

Kaura shoved past the other teenagers bouncing to the beat and stumbled into the Mystic Grill bathroom with a gasp. She shut the door and reached the counter, grasping either ends of the sink. She started to count under her breath, willing herself to collect herself, to ride the wave of sudden emotion she couldn't understand.

She opened the faucet, splashing water on her face and glanced up in the mirror. Kaura didn't even flinch when a girl stood in the place of her reflection. She had all the attributes of her flashes, all the characteristics. It was like all the puzzle pieces were finally connected.

But she didn't know who it was. The girl only stared back. "Who are—" Maybe it was a message from a witch, maybe somebody needed help.

Before she could finish her sentence, the mirror fractured, breaking away the figure of the stranger mirroring her. Kaura straightened, running a hand through her hair. Maybe I've finally gone crazy. Maybe I finally need to accept the help Caroline has been offering for years now.


Lizzie stepped into the path of the group of four who were already looking for a place to sit. She smiled fakely at them. "Yes, take a good look." Her grin dropped. "Then turn around and leave because you're not welcome here."

The girl laughed. "I heard there was a party and you think I'm going to miss it?"

"Does it look like I enjoy having to look at your face? Do us all a graceful favour, take your little chihuahua's," Lizzie motioned to the guys behind her, "And delete yourself's from the face of the earth."

"Dana, maybe we should--" one of the guys began. 

Dana held her hand up and cocked her head at Lizzie. "No. I want to see what this bitch thinks she can do if I don't listen to her."

Lizzie clenched her fists tightly, struggling to reign in the urge to make all of Dana's hair fall off. Raf emerged, wrapping his arm around Lizzie's torso to pull her in and calm her. "Hey guys," he said to the human teenagers with a comforting smile. "Excuse my girlfriend, she's a bit on edge. You guys can come in, as long as you don't disrupt the party."

Dana grinned before walking further into the room with her friends. Lizzie turned to Raf with a deep frown, planting her hands on her hips. "You're an idiot."

Raf grinned, tucking her blonde hair behind her ear. "You've told me that 112 times."

"Turns out those 112 times I was right."

Raf sighed, staring at her with adoring eyes. "You're beautiful, you know that?"

That wove a smile on her face and Lizzie cleared her throat. "Of course I know that. I did not spend years perfecting my night routine to not know that I'm gorgeous."

Raf snorted, pulling her through the crowd. "Have you...have you heard from MG?"

The mood between them instantly darkened. "Why would I be hearing from MG?"

"Haven't seen or heard him this entire break. I assumed that if he was going to reach out, it would be to you," Raf shrugged.

"I think he'll stop talking to the both of us and I am completely relieved with that. I don't have to deal with his embarrassing attempts to flirt," Lizzie rolled her eyes.

"He's still my friend, no matter how much I hurt him. I just hope he's okay."

"I guess we'll have to see tomorrow."


"In a shocking turn of events, I ignored you."

try to guess who said it and don't forget to vote ;)

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