59. slushy machine

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As the couple spoke, Mason passed them, looking for Kaura. He had left her just for a couple of minutes to grab some drinks but when he turned, she was gone. But just in time, he saw her push out of the bathroom in a hurry and he quickly caught up with her, pulling her close. "Hey baby, you okay?" Kaura only nodded and her eyes bounced around the exits in the room. But Mason knew she was not fine. Throughout the entire summer break, he could tell. Her gaze would often drift into nothing or she would mumble one-word answers when he was talking. He knew she wasn't paying attention. Mason grabbed her cheek, turning her attention to him. "Kaura."

"I told you, I'm fine," she snapped, breaking out of the hold with a frown.

"You're not," he scoffed. "I feel like you're slipping away from me and I don't understand why. Did you not enjoy the trip? Or are you just tired of me?"

"It has nothing to do with you," Kaura scoffed running a stressed hand through her hair. "I just—I'm fine."

She stormed away before he could say anything and Mason was forced to watch her go. Their relationship seemed to be on the rocks recently. There were moments where Kaura would disappear, running off to her own world. Mason wasn't sure whether or not to be patient or worried.

Not long after Kaura left the party, another presence took up her spot. "Hey, I'm Dana." Mason already looked disinterested. He didn't bother to greet her and glanced around the room, looking for his friend, Reese. Dana cleared her throat, trying to bring his attention back to her. "I saw that you were having some girlfriend troubles," she said as her finger began to trace up his arm. "I can—"

Mason grabbed her hand viciously and she flinched, eyes wide. He leaned in and stared deep into her eyes. "Meet me at the back in 5 minutes."

The girl nodded curtly and turned swiftly, pushing past the crowd to arrive at her compelled destination. After that, Mason followed after, making sure that nobody was watching him.

But instead of taking her up on her offer, he leaned in again and whispered, "Don't scream, don't be afraid." And then he fed. He knew it was a bad habit of his to feed when he was angry but he didn't know where else to divert his energy to. He always knew when to stop, of course, the only people he had killed were his mother, stepfather and the doctor who had treated him after the car accident.


Kaura did not have a goodnight. By the time she returned back to campus, she had stayed up all night trying to listen to music, trying to spark back those visions that kept floating around her mind. But nothing, the girl never came back. And before she knew it, it was morning.

She quickly dressed in the school colours and got ready for her first task of the day. By the time she reached the entrance of the school, Lizzie and Josie were already there, waiting. Josie hadn't been at the party because she was with her therapist. After what happened to Penelope...she received private counsel at least twice a day to try and level her emotions.

"They should be arriving any minute now," Lizzie announced, adjusting her dress.

"Lizzie, for the love of God, don't pull what you did last year. We don't want to terrify the new students," Kaura reminded with a plead. She stood straight, hands out in front of her and waited patiently.

"I didn't terrify them, I notified them. SBS is a school of prestige and high class, not a dumpster for pathetic kids," Lizzie huffed, rolling her eyes. "I have a reputation to hold."

"Shh," Josie hissed, slapping Lizzie's arm. "They're here."

Indeed, four students emerged. Josie snapped her fingers and all their bags disappeared, arriving in their rooms.

Kaura cleared her throat, memorizing them each by the files Ric had given her to look at. "Sebastian Knight, vampire," she nodded to the chiselled face. "Pedro Hayes, human," she winked at the small cute child, brother to Mason. After he went to finally see him, Mason had wanted to stay close so he enrolled him here. Even though the boy wasn't a supernatural, he needed a school closest to his brother and SBS took in all ages. "Jade Patel, vampire," she said to the girl who already looked annoyed and bored. "And Stephanie Salvatore. Welcome to the Salvatore Boarding School."

"So this is the school my family built and was named after," Stephanie smiled up at the building.

Lizzie chuckled, tossing her hair behind her shoulder. "I'm going to start off simple, Stephanie. Yes, you have the last name of our well structured and cherished school but no, you will not be acknowledged for it. You aren't going to be anybody special because I am the only queen bee, and if you try to threaten that, I have my own bag of tricks that will make sure you're thoroughly taken care of. Are we understood?"

Kaura glanced at Josie and they shook their heads at each other.

Stephanie looked taken aback but it was Sebastian who spoke before she did. "So when are we going to eat? I'm famished." As a vampire, Kaura highly doubted it was for regular food.

"And where's the booze? I'm fine with weed as well but I'm too sober to be functioning," Jade checked her nails, peeling the paint off.

Josie laughed. "I'm pretty sure it's the other way around."

"First of all, we don't provide human blood. The werewolves hunt animals down for their physical exercise and one of our teachers, Dorian, bleeds them out for blood. You're only allowed 4 packets per day so choose your meals wisely," Kaura informed.

"As for drugs, none are allowed," Lizzie continued, leading them through the halls. "It's been spelled that any form of it will turn into dust the moment it crosses onto SBS campus. Although we aren't allowed alcohol and parties, students throw them occasionally. As long as you're not irrational, the teachers won't give a hard punishment if you get caught."

"Do you have a slushy machine?" Pedro asked in a timid voice, latching Kaura's hand.

Josie smiled. "Sadly no but I'm sure the kitchen can fix something for you."

"So what type of supernaturals are here?" Stephanie asked.

"The typical, werewolves, vampires and witches," Kaura shrugged.

"And a Pheonix," Lizzie added.

Sebastian narrowed his eyes. "A Pheonix? Isn't that a mythical monster?"

"We don't know where Landon got his inheritance from because both of his parents are unaccounted for," Josie explained.

"I heard this school had to shut down early," Jade drawled, running her hand through a dusty shelf top as Lizzie led the group throughout the building.

"SBS suffered severe casualties from an unexpected earthquake last year. We weren't prepared so 12 students and a teacher died," Josie said in a low tone. It was becoming easier to talk about it.

"And are there humans in this school?" Stephanie asked.

"Landon used to be a human and as explained, he is not anymore. So you and Pedro are the only ones in the school," Lizzie explained lazily.

"But don't worry," Josie assured. "At the end of this tour, our headmaster has made plans to have our new witch teacher put protection spells on you. You will not die from any supernatural causes."


"We are three badass witches, and one moderately competent bird."

try to guess who said it and don't forget to vote ;)

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