79. vanilla problems

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Dark Josie sat back in the comfortable ginger-coloured chair with her legs crossed back comfortably. In seconds, Ric was alerted and he ordered all the students in the halls to go to their rooms and told them to follow the lockdown procedure. He came out to the living room holding a crossbow and Caroline, Vincent, Davina and Dorian were behind him. Mason, Raf, Hope, Lizzie, Kaleb, and Landon were hiding in shadows, eavesdropping and not following the original orders. "Josie," Ric started out tightly.

"Hey dad," she greeted innocently and for a second, he nearly lowered the weapon as his heart squeezed at her timid voice. It was all wiped away when her face broke into a wide playful grin. "You guys really make it all too easy."

"Why are you here?" Dorian demanded.

She chuckled and picked at her nails. "To get what was always wanted. The previous Master of the Legendarium did not know how to use the power accordingly but I'm here to change that. Better to deal with things up front and not cower behind a mask."

"You're not touching Landon," Vincent scoffed.

Dark Josie grinned and pushed up to her feet. Ric and the teachers bristled, all adjusting their weapons. "It's hilarious that you think I just want Landon."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Davina asked.

"The Legendarium has come to realize it's a waste of time pining over one powerful being. Now it wants all four."

"All four of what?" Ric asked.

"The Pheonix." Landon. "The tribrid." Hope. "The irregular hybrid." Mason. "And the irregular Heretic." Davina.

Before any of the teachers could outburst at the requirements, an annoyed clap interrupted them. Lizzie emerged from the shadows with an irritated expression. "Show's over. Bravo, Josie, you've gotten the attention you've secretly wanted. We all know that you're spiralling out of control because of Peneleople but now is not the time. I have Christmas preparations to—"

Dark Josie's hand flew up and Lizze's eyes widened as a tsunami of pain assaulted her mind. She clutched her head and began to scream as she crouched to the floor. Raf growled and charged forward just as Ric unleashed the first arrow. Dark Josie snapped her fingers and they were all frozen. They could still move their eyes, still hear and see her circle around her twin sister. "You've always been the weaker one. You try to assert dominance with your rudeness and show of popularity. But in reality, you and I both know that I'm going to win the merge," she drawled and sighed lazily. "But enough with the drama. Here is the official deal. Give me the three loopholes and the Pheonix and your dear little human, Stephanie Salvatore, doesn't have to suffer at my hands. And if that is not enough to sway you, I'll make sure that this school won't have anything left to rebuild."


Dark Josie was gone. The school was even more panicked than before and Jade enjoyed watching them squirm. She enjoyed watching from a distance as chaos ensued if she wasn't the one causing it.

The seat beside her jostled and she turned to Sebastian. "What's going on?"

Jade shrugged and leaned back. "Vanilla problems. This is so boring," she muttered and turned to him with a questioning eye. "Got any weed?"

"Got any human blood?" She shook her head. "Then we have our answers."


Freya and Kol Mikaelson arrived at the school, with the sole purpose to find Hope, the niece they thought had died all those years ago. The memories had come bombarding back and Freya immediately knew she had to see her, hug her, check if she was okay. Kol on the other hand, although he desperately wanted to be reunited with his niece, he was there for a certain Heretic. Freya had never approved of the relationship because all that time she thought Davina and the New Orleans witches had succeeded in killing Hope. She countlessly threatened to banish both of them for the betrayal but that would mean losing another family member. She loved Kol enough to tolerate the presence of Davina. But now that new information had been brought up, her hate had dialled down a bit. Davina and the witches had still tried to kill Hope. 

Regardless, by the time they entered the borders, they didn't expect the tension to be so disordered. People were running around, yelling orders and setting up what seemed to be traps. Honestly, it didn't look like a school, more like a training camp. The two burst into the principal's office and it was Freya's voice that demanded, "What the hell is happening? Where is Hope?"

The teachers seemed to be in a meeting and they all glanced up at the two Mikaelson's. Caroline immediately got up and approached her. "Freya, I didn't know you were coming, you should have--"

Freya stepped back and shook her head at the blonde. "I shouldn't have done anything. I came here to see my niece. Unless she's dead like the last time I made a surprise visit?"

Ric sighed and cleared his throat. "We are in the middle of a...crisis. Hope's safe as well as the other students."

"What sort of crisis?" She inquired.

"Nothing to worry about, we all have it under control," Dorian assured. 

As the adults spoke about the issue at hand, Davina approached Kol, who pulled her out of the room. "What are you doing here?"

He smirked, pulling her closer to his body. "Hello, love. You thought I would let you leave by yourself for this amount of time?" She chuckled, especially as he kissed her lips. "I missed you."

"I know, I did too but..." she glanced around the school. "Things have gotten out of hand. I have to help the students."

"I'm only here for a little bit to see Hope. Freya and I must return back to the city to ensure that nobody riots. You and I both know how the city is sensitive to Marcel's rule," he muttered, caressing her hair. 

Davina took a deep breath and leaned her forehead against his. Silence seeped between them and then she said, "I needed this--to see you." Kol only nodded.

So the two Mikaelson's ended up catching up with Hope, making she was alright and they even helped around the school. They aided as much as they could until Freya got news that there was trouble back in the city. She restlessly tried to convince Hope to return with her but the tribrid knew that it was best she stayed put, amongst her friends to fight this conflict that had pressed over them. So Freya and Kol said their final farewells and they returned to New Orleans. 


"Oh, I have spies everywhere. I'm nosy in that, like, charming way...?"

try to guess who said it and don't forget to vote ;)

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